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Certification of IPT Instructors

        Dr. Perez Garcia, in his commitment to make sure that IPT is taught and practiced worldwide with highest quality and expertise, has set the following standards and procedures for a doctor to become an approved instructor of IPT, certified by him to train other doctors:

1.-  Received IPT training by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia or a certified instructor.

2.-  Have practiced IPT for three years.

3.-  Have administered a minimum of 120 IPT treatments during a 12 month period, to more than 2 patients, documented by clinical records.

4.-  Submit to Dr. Perez Garcia, in writing, the desire to become a certified instructor.  

5.-  Submit to Dr. Perez Garcia a copy of the certificate given for the original IPT training.  

6.-  Take and pass a written exam, and a practical exam with a patient.

7.-  Pay a $120.00 certification fee to Dr. Perez Garcia and receive certificate. 




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