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The path not taken...

            In the early history of any new technology, there is a time when all the different possibilities are being explored.  It is not yet clear which configurations will predominate in the years to follow.  Think of the early days of cars or airplanes.  Looking back, we can see that we may have lost certain valuable ideas that were present at the beginning, but were forgotten when other ideas overshadowed them and became the norm.  Sometimes, we can see in retrospect, the winners and losers were somewhat arbitrarily chosen, perhaps due to certain personalities, or economic interests, or socio-political trends.  Sometimes forgotten forms from the past become relevant again and are rediscovered for new applications.  For example electric cars and fuel cells are coming back, and flying wings have returned as stealth aircraft.

            Similarly with the use of insulin.   From the very beginning, its use in treatment of diabetes grabbed all the attention on the world stage, .  That was set in motion by the interests and intentions of the discoverers of insulin, Banting and Best.  But other uses of insulin were quickly discovered, too, and ran in parallel streams.  Insulin was marketed in the early years for both weight loss and for weight gain.  In Mexico, Donato Perez Garcia MD developed his system of pulsed hypoglycemia, what we call IPT.  (History of IPT)  In the United States, a postal study group (today's equivalent would be an email discussion group) of 62 physicians and two dentists discovered many uses for slow-acting insulin, ranging from rapid healing of skin wounds to reduction of gum infections and union of difficult bone fractures.  Hal Huggins DDS rediscovered the work of this group in the 1970s, but it was forgotten again rather quickly.  (Huggins' article about this group)  

            Pharmaceutical historians may find that there were still more pockets of non-diabetic insulin experimentation in the early days, and that others have arisen since.  But in the rush of history, only the diabetic use of insulin survives in the global consciousness today.  It is the only use featured in the marketing literature of the insulin manufacturers.   And the drug companies largely shape the day-to-day perception of drugs by doctors and patients.   So here we are in 2000, and the prevailing wisdom is that   Insulin = Diabetes.   Many other uses for insulin, some of them intriguing, some of them incredible treasures, have been ignored, forgotten, and, at least for now, lost.

IPT and ICT...

            Now for the main point of this page:  Even insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) itself has its branches and trends.  And if we are not careful, if we do not pay attention to the value of all of them, we are in danger of losing some precious IPT observations, insights, theories, and practices in the flow of history.

            Dr. Perez Garcia 1, discoverer of IPT, called his method "Cellular Therapy".  He saw himself working on the level of the cell, treating every cell in the body.  Based on his observations and understanding of insulin and human physiology, he felt that he was doing three main things:  

1. Balancing the biophysical and biochemical systems of the cells and the body.
2. Detoxifying the cells and the body by allowing transport of toxins out of the cells.  And
3. Increasing the effectiveness of medications (potentiating) by enhancing their transport into cells.

            By always thinking of all three of these mechanisms, he chose medications  that would promote each of them, within the context of the basic insulin and glucose protocol.  In treatment of any patient, he would administer a complex, carefully chosen custom mixture of medications that would not only treat all the causes and symptoms of the disease directly, but would also assist the detoxification and the balancing of the body so as to no longer support the disease process.  Dr. Perez Garcia 1, in effect, created a very holistic low-dose drug-based medical therapy.

            When I publish books by Drs. Perez Garcia 1 and 2 on IPTQ.org (soon I hope), this thinking process and procedure will be explained much more clearly, and in detail.  In the mean time, you can read  Medicine of Hope, by Jean-Claude Paquette MD, a French-Canadian doctor who learned the method from Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2 in 1976.  Dr. Paquette treated hundreds of patients with this method over 17 years, and remained true to this original spirit of treating the whole patient, not just the disease.   Dr. Paquette called the technique "Insulin-Cellular Therapy", or "ICT".   In creating this very good and elegant name, he kept the emphasis on the cell, and just added, for specificity, the name of the agent (insulin) that was enabling the process.  Unfortunately, by practicing this technique on a daily basis, he drew the ire of his regional medical society, and suffered the indignity of losing his license.

            SGA MD also documented the technique of Donatian Therapy as practiced by Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2, in 1975, but took a slightly different path.  Instead of practicing the technique, he decided instead to further develop the scientific understanding of it, and to communicate this scientific understanding to the wider medical community.  He has been practicing IPT since training by Dr. Perez Garcia 3 in 1997.

              In the 1970s, Dr. SGA decided to give the therapy a new name, "Insulin Potentiation Therapy", or "IPT".   This name has long been adopted by Drs. Perez Garcia 2 and 3, and has been the only name used in the medical literature in recent decades.

            IPT is a good name, and has served the therapy well.   We need to be careful, however, that the simplicity of this name does not have an unintended side effect.  It focuses on the third mechanism of the method of Dr. Perez Garcia 1 (drug potentiation), and does not specifically mention the first two mechanisms (bio-physico-chemical balancing of cells, and detoxifying of cells).  

            There is something very exciting about getting better results from drugs given at only 5% to 50% of the normal dose.  And it grabs your attention when insulin makes methotrexate 10,000 times more toxic to breast cancer cells in a petri dish.  But what about all the other actions of insulin in the body?  What about all the other beneficial effects that can be created in a patient while viruses or bacteria are being killed, while inflammation is being quenched, while tumors are melting away?  What about including medications that boost the immune system, that help remove the toxins from tumor cell or bacterial die-off, and that bring the body to a higher state of health within 90 minutes?   

            The trouble is that medicine has gotten used to the idea of treating diseases with just one or two drugs, or perhaps a three drug cocktail, as in current treatments for AIDS.   The idea of creating a custom mixture of many medications to use during one IPT treatment may seem foreign to many doctors.   How strange, they might think, to not only give much smaller doses of drugs, but to simultaneously give a complex combination of drugs that addresses all the symptoms, not only of the presenting disease, but of all the problems of the patient, PLUS immune boosters, detoxifiers, and nutrients.  Not only might this complex prescription process seem strange to them, but it is also more time consuming to do, and it is harder to learn.  The answer to their discomfort is for them to see for themselves the unbelievably good results in patient after patient when the full method is applied.  Then they will understand.  Then they will want those benefits for their own patients, in their own practices.

            I sense that there is a danger that, because of this name, IPT, future doctors might focus entirely on the drug potentiating effects of insulin-induced hypoglycemia, and will forget and lose the benefits of the other two mechanisms used by Dr. Perez Garcia 1, the balancing and the detoxifying.  I do regret that some doctors may be tempted to potentiate only one or two drugs in an IPT treatment.  They might be satisfied with merely good results, while not realizing that their results could be much better.   If potentiating just one or two drugs can help wipe out a malaria or tuberculosis or AIDS epidemic, I am all for it.  But I urge doctors not to lose sight of the full potential of IPT as practiced holistically, through three mechanisms, by its discoverer, Dr. Perez Garcia 1, and his son and grandson.

              IPT is a good name, and it works.  If this therapy is for real, millions of people need it now, regardless of what we call it.  The tide of history is rushing on.  Grab this IPT boat and let's ride it.  But let us never forget that it is bigger, much bigger, than its name.

-- Chris Duffield   February 7, 2000  (modified 3/29/00)




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