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       The daily practice of medicine in some ways looks stable and routine.  Rapid but managed and institutionalized innovation is happening in drug discovery, genomics, and clinical trials, and it gradually filters down to doctors in the field.  The main public issues, it seems, are how to get more patients into this health care system, and who will pay for it, as costs rise.

        Along comes IPT.   It will certainly be welcome to the sick people who can benefit from it, probably  welcome to the healthcare providers who carry the costs, and perhaps not so welcome to those who are attached to the status quo.  Welcome or not, IPT has the following features that suggest it could bring profound and rapid change:

  1. It is easy to learn, in a short one-week class.

  2. It uses simple procedures that doctors and nurses use all the time.

  3. It uses standard drugs and supplies that doctors everywhere already have on hand or can obtain easily.

  4. It enables doctors to do better what they are already doing.

  5. It can be practiced by any doctor in the office or field, without the need for a hospital or clinic.

  6. It bypasses slow regulatory processes because it is not a new drug or device.

  7. It has more than 130 doctor-years of experience (growing rapidly) over 7 decades showing safety and effectiveness.

  8. The only things keeping more doctors from trying it are taboos and lack of knowledge, which can vanish quickly.

  9. It reportedly makes drugs 2 to 20 times more effective.

  10. It reportedly reduces the necessary drug dose by 2 to 20, lowering costs in the short term.

  11. It reportedly reduces drug side effects to almost zero.

  12. It reportedly gives faster results, also lowering costs.

  13. It can be tested very quickly for at least some of its applications.

  14. It addresses many of the major diseases of humanity.

  15. It addresses many of the minor diseases of humanity.

  16. It successfully treats some diseases with breakthrough results.

  17. It makes treatable some otherwise untreatable diseases.

  18. It could be a breakthrough for treating infectious disease epidemics which threaten us all.

  19. It could help fight drug resistance in disease organisms.

  20. It could cut the high cost of medical care for patients and providers.  Rather than struggling to pay the high cost, we can simply lower the cost.

  21. It could bring windfall profits to pharmaceutical companies (once they get past the shock of dose reduction) by increasing profit margin for lower doses, by making drugs affordable to a much larger worldwide market, by opening up new packaging and patent extension strategies, by making rejected toxic drug candidates viable, etc.

  22. It provides a low-toxicity highly-effective method which can help allopathic medicine compete and cooperate with the offerings of alternative medicine.

  23. It could be used by the military and by space agencies in mission-critical settings.

  24. It addresses the medical needs of the developing world.

  25. Information about IPT is now concentrated and readily accessible  worldwide through IPTQ.org.

As I see it, each person, institution, or society will go through four stages of transition as they get involved with IPT:

  1. Getting information about IPT.  This can be a positive experience or a bit of a shock, depending on how averse one is to new ideas and change in the status quo.  If you are reading this page, you have probably at least hit stage 1.  

  2. Accepting the IPT information.  For some people this is very fast and easy.  For others, after initial skepticism and rejection, acceptance may take a very long time and much more evidence from  ongoing action by early accepters.

  3. Taking action to verify, test, implement, try, recommend, or tell a friend about  IPT.  

  4. Adopting IPT.  Assuming the results are good, and that it proves to be true, this is where IPT becomes the dominant paradigm, and an accepted part of standard medicine.

How long will these stages take for each person and for society as a whole?  How fast will these stages move in waves through the people and institutions of this world?  Gently?  Explosively?  We shall watch as the IPT story unfolds.  

Change is already happening, as the information spreads, and as more doctors learn the technique and start to see the results for themselves.  Is the world ready for rapid acceptance and adoption of IPT?  Or will IPT, no longer a larva, need to go through an incubation period of research and testing, like a pupa before it emerges as a butterfly?

However it happens, IPTQ.org is here to help support this process of change.



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