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Some things in this world deserve to be given away for free.  

IPT knowledge is one of these things.

        That is why I have been putting this IPTQ website together, making many IPT information resources readily available to the people of this world.  

        Right now, IPTQ is completely noncommercial, and is not a for-profit business.    I originally registered it as IPTQ.com because that way viewers can find the site by simply typing IPTQ into the Location blank of some browsers.  I have subsequently also registered IPTQ.org so this project could become officially nonprofit, and IPTQ.net so it could go in still other directions.  This is just a personal project right now, without a definite business model.  The main point is to get this information out to as many people as possible.  Where it will go from here, I do not yet know.  

        Certainly this project could use some financial backing other than my own limited private funds.  Money would buy time, help, and publicity.  Financial gifts would certainly help, but I do not have the time to seek them.  For now I could funnel tax-deductible donations through another nonprofit organization.  Grants and gifts would be wonderful, if they come spontaneously.   If a lead philanthropist takes interest, we can form an effective nonprofit organization to help coordinate a worldwide IPT research and implementation enterprise.

In the short term, IPTQ.com/IPTQ.org's needs include the following:

bulletHigh level personal networking and connections.

bulletHelp with scanning, typing, and translating IPT documents (Spanish and English) in our archives.

bulletHelp with organizing all these documents.

bulletWeb authoring, mastering, and maintenance help.

bulletPublicity and related services.

bulletA personal assistant and project manager.

bulletSome sort of financial support.

bulletHelp me let people know about IPT and IPTQ.org by sending your friends an email.

In the long term, the possibilities for IPTQ.com/IPTQ.org are unlimited.  Here are a few:  

bulletForming an IPT-focused nonprofit organization. 

bulletSponsoring worldwide clinical and laboratory research, documenting the knowledge and practices of the IPT pioneers.

bulletSetting up and running an international training and certification system for IPT practitioners. 

bulletMaintaining a worldwide registry of IPT doctors.

bulletPartnering to ensure quality control for businesses implementing IPT.

bulletArranging speaking and training programs, and tours for IPT pioneers.

But for now, IPTQ.com / IPTQ.org is a simple one-person enterprise, with the goal of getting IPT information out to the world, fast and for free.  The best way you can help is to tell a friend.



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IPTQ, IPTQ.org, IPTQ.com, IPTQ.net, The second discovery of insulin, and IPTQ lifering and lifeboat logos are trademarks. 
Please read the IPTQ.com disclaimer.   
This page was last updated on  March 19, 2008.
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