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of Hope, part 3
cell is the basic unit of any living organism. The human body
is composed of 60,000 billion cells. One could
advantageously compare each cell to a microscopic factory.
In a factory, we have the receiving
department, the management, the fabrication shop, and finally
the shipping department.
In a society, there are several types
of factories. Some produce food, others materials, and others
provide services.
In the human body, there are also
various types of cells: Blood cells (which form blood), muscle
cells, nerve cells, etc. Just like the factories in a society,
these various cells achieve different functions. Let us examine
initially the structure, then the functioning of a cell.
I said previously that cells are
microscopic, i.e. they are much too small to be observed with
the naked eye. To do it, we must use a microscope. The size of a
cell is on the order of a micrometer. A micrometer is a
thousand times smaller than a millimeter. To give you an idea of
its size, the thickness of ten pages of this book is approximately
a millimeter. The cell is composed, roughly, of 3 distinct
a) The cellular membrane (walls of
the factory),
b) The cytoplasm (workshops of the
factory) and
c) The nucleus (the management
a) The
cellular membrane:
A cell, just like a factory, is
surrounded by walls. It is enveloped by a membrane that is made
mainly of three materials: Proteins, lipids (commonly
called fats), and glucids (sugars).
These three materials make sure that
not everything can enter the cell. The membrane can indeed choose
what can or cannot penetrate inside the cell: We call it a selective
The selection is carried out by two
mechanisms: By pores (small openings comparable to the windows of
a factory) and also by more complex structures: The membrane
receptors that one could compare with the reception’s gates of a
In a factory, employees, management,
and goods do not enter by the same gate. With each gate, there is
an assigned person to control what can enter there or not. It is
the role of the membrane receptors, (at the gates of the cell).
Being responsible for all that can come in or get out of there,
the cell membrane plays a major role in the human organism. In
the section about insulin, we will see how it can affect the
functioning of the cell membrane.
b) Cytoplasm:
I compared rightly the cytoplasm with
the various workshops of a factory. It is indeed at the level of
the cytoplasm that is carried out the manufacturing that we will
call here the synthesis of various materials that the cell
can elaborate. For example, there are hormonal cells: It is in the
cytoplasm of these cells that hormones are synthesized.
The cytoplasm is structured like an
assembly line. The working plans arrive from the nucleus and are
distributed to the specific places of manufacture by a complex
plumbing system: the endoplasmic reticulum. At certain given
places are the workbenches: the ribosomes, on which various
materials are synthesized. To be able to function, our microscopic
factory needs energy. That's no problem, in the cytoplasm, we find
batteries in sufficient quantity and renewable: In fact the mitochondria
provide the necessary energy to all this mechanism.
c) The nucleus:
The nucleus is the managing director of
what the cytoplasm will produce: It is in the nucleus that
decisions are made. What decisions can a nucleus make? There are
several of them: For instance, it can decide when to ask the
cytoplasm to begin to synthesize a certain hormone, or when to
discontinue its production. It can also decide when to begin
cellular multiplication and when to stop it.
All this information is
contained in a long filament, which in fact, is a code. It is
called the genetic code, because this code is copied and
transmitted through each cellular multiplication and from one
generation to the other in the human being. Extracts of this
code are copied and dispatched to the cytoplasm using the endoplasmic
reticulum (the cell’s internal plumbing) as a communication
It is a little like memos in a factory
that are transmitted by the management, and which would say for
instance to the workshop: "Make more pianos" or, when
there are enough of them, "stop making pianos".
The nucleus is isolated from the
cytoplasm by a membrane called the nuclear membrane. This
membrane has pores which are small openings allowing the exchange
of information between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. All the
cells of the human organism have a nucleus, except the red blood
cells and the platelets of the blood system.
As I mentioned earlier, there are
several kinds of cells: We have blood cells, muscle cells, bone
cells, nerve cells, etc. Their principle of operation resembles in
all points that of the human organism in its entirety.
Everything is in everything.
A cell, just like the human body,
nourishes itself, breathes, gets rid of its waste and reproduces.
The cell nourishes itself by
extracting its food from the transformation of the food that we
swallow. Summarily, the food is transformed during the process of
digestion into the 6 elements the cells need for food: Glucose
(a sugar), proteins, lipids (or fats), water, vitamins,
and mineral salts.
Once digestion is finished, the blood
transports these 6 elements (which we call nutrients) to all the
cells of the human body and each one will draw what it needs.
Looking more closely at these nutrients, we can observe their
particular role in cellular nutrition.
The cell breathes, in the sense that it
absorbs oxygen contained in the blood red cells.
The cell gets rid of its waste by
rejecting into the blood CO², CO, urea, acetone, some
amino-acids, certain toxins, all bio-physical-chemical metabolism
waste from food conversion.
A cell reproduces itself: Except
for cells of the nervous system, which for the most part lose this
capacity, all cells can reproduce. To note it quite simply, let us
observe the skin, which rebuilds itself after a scratch or a cut.
Since my early childhood, I was amazed
by the fact that we are healing by ourselves. Later, I learned
that, as soon as we are wounded, hundreds of million of cells
mobilize themselves towards the new breach to repair it. A
question that I ask myself is a real mystery: Why, when the breach
is filled, repaired, do cells stop proliferating on their own? Who
informs them? Otherwise, we would be covered with
"lumps", tumors, and deformities.
This is the mystery of life: This is
vital energy. God alone could create such a wonder.
a) The cell needs energy.
Whether to be able to contract in the
case of a muscular cell, or to secrete a hormone in the case of a
gland, or to transmit a signal in the case of a nervous cell, all
cells need energy to accomplish their task.
This energy comes from the combination
of two sources: oxygen coming from breathing, and one
nutrient, glucose coming from the food or from the fat
reserves of the human body. In a site especially conceived for
cytoplasm, that is to say in the mitochondria, a complex chemical
reaction transforms glucose and oxygen into energy
usable by the cell, and into CO², which is rejected into the
Oxygen and CO² can freely cross the
cell membrane through its pores. But glucose needs assistance
to reach that point: It needs a carrier. This carrier, this
glucose entrance key inside the cell, "it is INSULIN".
Without insulin, glucose could not enter the cells in sufficient
quantity. They would then miss an element essential for their
energy production. I will get back to this in the section on
b) The cell needs materials.
The nutrients (food substances
which can be assimilated completely and directly without the need
to undergo digestive transformation) provide two materials
essential to the development of the cellular structure. Just like
one needs wood, bricks, etc. to build the structure of a house, the
cell needs proteins and lipids to build its frame. These
nutrients must be able to penetrate inside the cell. Here
again, various carriers are used; one of which is INSULIN.
c) The cell needs water.
The human body is made up of 70%
water; it is not by chance. Have you ever tried to empty a car
battery of its water? It does not work any more: it does not
In order to be able to carry out the
chemical reactions that produce electricity, the battery needs
a liquid medium: Water. It is the same for the cell that needs
water to carry out its chemical reactions. Mineral salts and
vitamins also facilitate certain chemical reactions.
In summary, the cell is the basic
unit of all that lives, including the human body. Each cell is
protected from its surroundings by an envelope, the cell
membrane. To cross this membrane, the cell calls on
conveyors, one of which is INSULIN.
At the beginning of the 20th.
according to the "Larousse Illustré" (a French
dictionary), insulin was already used in pharmacy. A bitter and
aromatic substance, it was extracted from the root of a plant,
inula helenium or eleni canarium (aulnée or aunée
in French).
Nowadays, insulin as we know it has
another origin and another meaning: It is at the same time a
hormone and a medication.
We are made to believe that insulin
is only a medication with which one can treat diabetes. I
say treat because insulin does not cure anything, not even
diabetes, since it is necessary to take it for the rest of one’s
Insulin is also and before all a
hormone, normally synthesized and secreted by an organ of the
human body: the pancreas (endocrine role, i.e. which rejects
its secretions in the blood).
Two Canadian biochemists, professors
Banting & Best, shared the honor to have discovered this
hormone at the dawn of this century
(1921). Insulin is a protein secreted by
the beta cells of the pancreas’s islets of Langherans.
The pancreas is an endocrine and
exocrine gland, located behind and below the stomach. It is
essential to our survival in many ways.
a) It manufactures and pours into the small intestine, by
the channel of Wirsung, a digestive juice, the pancreatic
juice which makes it possible to digest proteins (exocrine
role, i.e. which rejects its product in a natural cavity).
b) It synthesizes two hormones, which will be secreted in
the blood stream: Insulin and glucagon whose main
function is to regulate glycemia, the quantity of sugar in blood
(endocrine role).
Insulin decreases the level of blood
glucose and glucagon increases it: these are two opposite
roles complementing one another. When the glucose level increases,
for instance after a meal rich in calories, the endocrine pancreas
secretes insulin to bring back the normal level of glycemia.
On the other hand, after a period of fasting, the level of glucose
decreases and the pancreas secretes glucagon to increase
For the organism to function properly,
the quantity of blood glucose must remain within a certain range.
Too much glucose leads to hyperglycemia, which will cause,
if one lets it increase, acidosis and a coma: The diabetic
On the other hand, an insufficiency of
glucose will cause hypoglycemia, which can bring, with
excess, results just as dangerous: The insulin coma.
As we saw in the previous section about
the cell, glucose is a sugar, which is the principal source
from where cells draw their energy. A normal level of glycemia
during fasting usually varies between 80 and 120 mg per ml of
blood, or 3.9 to 6.1 millimole per liter of blood, according to
the new standards. Outside of these limits, we can expect
Insulin is the carrier that allows
glucose to penetrate inside the cells through the cell membrane.
In the total absence of insulin, the rate of absorption of glucose
inside the cells is reduced to 25 % of normal. Conversely, if the
insulin level increases to excess, the rate of absorption of
glucose is 5 times greater than normal.
This means that between these two
extremes (lack and excess of insulin), there can be a variation
up to twenty times in the rate of absorption of glucose.
This is the explanation of the
principle on which is based the Insulin-Cellular Therapy (ICT).
Insulin is thus the key to glucose
absorption by the majority of the cells of the human body. The
muscle cells (those, which form the muscles), and the fat
(those, which form fat tissue), need insulin to facilitate
the absorption of blood glucose. It should be noted that these two
types of cells constitute approximately 65 % of the cells of the
human body.
Medical research has not yet proven
scientifically "in vivo" whether brain cells,
intestinal wall cells, and kidney cells are influenced by insulin
in their absorption of glucose in the human body. But I am
convinced of it.
Let us remember the discovery of
Cellular Therapy (ICT). The research carried out by the pioneer,
Dr. Perez Sr., proved that the blood-brain barrier had been
crossed in the (10) dogs having received insulin before the
absorption of arsenic and mercury, and not in those of the second
group, which had not received insulin.
Thanks to this discovery he was able to
treat successfully some cases of neuro-syphilis (which reaches to
the level of the brain), while using, for the first time in
history, the conventional treatment of the time (mercury salts)
preceded by an insulin injection.
Serious university scientists, who were
looking for truth, have in the Province of Quebec, been able to
prove by in vitro studies on kidneys under development that
insulin modified certain parameters (DNA synthesis,
enzymatic activities, etc.) of the fetal kidney in culture.
They are using insulin as growth
promoter: It acts in synergy with other growth factors. They
are recognizing that insulin helps in vitro to
potentiate the action of some other molecules, certain growth
promoters: It is the insulin combination which activates the
In the literature, it is reported that
the pancreas appears only at the sixteenth week of fetal life, and
that other cells than the pancreas islets of Langherans
could manufacture insulin or a substance connected with insulin.
They are possibly brain cells or neuron terminations.
One of these unbiased scientists at the
apex of current science confessed to me: "It is a pity
that we are obliged to concentrate on very small portions of the
organism. Each one of us brings his small brick to the
construction of the pyramid. One day will come, I am hoping, where
somebody will be able to synthesize all this work... . The
popularization of science makes it possible to better understand
certain processes."
In order to have a continuous supply of
energy; each cell manufactures its own reserves by transforming
glucose into glycogen. Here again, it is insulin which makes it
possible for muscle cells to increase and by much, their
glycogen reserves: These reserves are very significant because
they make it possible for the cells to draw on some of their
energy, at the very moment they need it.
At a lower level, but nevertheless
significant, insulin also allows the skin cells and glandular
tissues to manufacture glycogen reserves.
The liver is the organ of the human
body, which stores the most glycogen. All excess blood
glucose, after a heavy meal for instance, is transformed into
glycogen by the liver. It stores it in its cells. As blood glucose
level decreases, the liver releases some by drawing it from the
stored glycogen.
This mechanism of regulation is greatly
helped once again by insulin, which, according to needs,
modifies the permeability of liver cell membranes.
We saw the essential role that insulin
plays in the transfer of glucose and its conversion into glycogen.
Moreover insulin regulates membrane permeability for two more
nutrients essential to life: proteins (now called protids) and
lipids (fats).
a) Each cell needs protids: It is, in fact, its
basic material. In the absence of insulin, penetration of
protids inside the cells is dangerously limited and cell
survival can even be compromised if this condition lasts too
b) Insulin plays also a significant role in the
control of lipids. If there is a lack of insulin, cells have
to draw their energy by complex chemical reactions, connected to
the Krebs cycle (formation of ATP or of adenosine triphosphate
for the digestion of sugars and their conversion to energy).
This use of fats as fuel has two direct effects on health:
1) There is initially a strong increase of lipids in
blood, which, if the situation lasts a long period of time,
involves problems of arteriosclerosis: The blood vessels
can be blocked by an accumulation of cholesterol (form of
blood lipids).
2) An increasingly great quantity of acetone will be
present in the blood. This acetone is a by-product of the
digestion of fats by cells. Too much blood acetone is dangerous.
From the moment of the meeting of the
spermatozoon with the ovum until adulthood, the human body
undergoes rapid growth. Growth hormones are mainly responsible. Another
hormone is also essential for this growth: It is insulin.
Experiments made on animals show that
one could completely stop their growth in the total absence of
insulin. The effects of insulin potentiation on growth hormones
was demonstrated and recognized a long time ago.
In closing, we can say that insulin, by
influencing the permeability of the cell membrane plays an
essential role in the absorption of all the nutrients essential to
our survival (sugars, fats and proteins). It also
potentiates the growth hormones responsible for our development.
Hundreds of universities and
pharmaceutical laboratories continue research in order to identify
other functions of this hormone that I allow myself to call: THE
Insulin-Cellular Therapy (ICT) is so
called because it acts thanks to insulin on the level of the cell,
the basic unit of the human body.
It is because of a controversy where
the Donatian Cellular Therapy, invented in Mexico by Dr. Donato
Perez, was confused by the College of Medicine of Quebec
with the Cellular Therapy of Niehans, of Switzerland, that I had
to change the name of Donatian Cellular Therapy to Insulin-Cellular
NB: The Cellular Therapy of
Niehans consists in implanting in the human body, cells freshly
removed from a lamb, which has just been immolated. It is a
technique that tries to fight against aging.
In 1921, Banting & Best, two
Canadian biochemists, discovered insulin, a hormone that brought
new hopes to millions of diabetics. Its effect in a diabetic is to
bring back to normal, a blood sugar concentration that is too high
(hyperglycemia), caused by an insufficiency of hormonal secretion
(insulin) by the pancreas.
We have been able until now to identify
and isolate several hormones from the human body that we use as
needed as substitute therapy for many endocrine (glandular)
problems such as Addison’s disease, hypothyroid and diabetes. It
is also possible in certain cases to use these hormones as
medications, cortisone for example, with doses much higher
than the normal physiological amount, to treat diseases that do
not relate to the suprarenal gland.
In our therapy, the innovation is that
we use insulin as medication and not as a hormone. It has the
property, this is the basic principle of this therapy and
it is also the discovery of Dr. Perez, to intervene in
detoxification by increasing the permeability of the cellular
membrane, to potentiate, and reinforce the effect of medications.
It thus makes it possible to decrease,
to reduce the doses that we would normally give and consequently
to be able to use several medications concurrently, if necessary.
It is during the transitory period of hypoglycemia (decrease of
blood sugar) prompted by an insulin injection, that we benefit
from the "therapeutic moment", i.e. the ideal
moment when intercellular exchanges are at their maximum, allowing
the penetration into the organism of medications necessary to the
detoxification and the specific treatment of the ailing patient.
The therapeutic moment corresponds to a
feeling of hunger, thirst, more or less intense sudation
(sweating), and sometimes, small tremors of the extremities, by an
increase of the pulse rate. It is perfectly normal in a
hypoglycemic moment, and that is what we are seeking, what we are
waiting for, to begin the administration of the medications to
obtain the maximum effects.
In 18 years, no patient has ever gone
beyond this stage and fallen into a coma or pre-coma. In any
event, the intravenous way being ensured by the serum solution in
place, it would be very easy then to restore the normal rate of
glycemia, by administering 50% hypertonic glucose serum.
It is also recognized in conventional
medicine, for cancer for example, that a combination of
medicines is eminently desirable and increases their therapeutic
effects. This combining of drugs makes it possible to
appreciably decrease their posology (dosage) without decreasing
their action, potentiated by insulin and to obtain a
greater tolerance on behalf of the subject. Thus we are succeeding
in decreasing or even eliminating side effects.
This double "force de
frappe", coming from the insulin and the combination
of medications, is exerted on the cell level, the basic unit
of the human body, on which we intervene logically. To
transform a society, it is necessary to change its members.
This is where the transformations are
made, the significant bio-physico-chemical modifications
(biological, physical and chemical). We drive toxic substances
out of the cell and allow medications to penetrate and restore its
humoral balance (balance of organism’s humors).
a) The Major or Primary Treatment: detoxification and
specific treatment.
b) The Minor or Secondary Treatments, which supplement the
detoxification and the specific treatment of the diseases in
c) Tertiary Treatment: prevention.
This is the most important treatment,
with laxative the day before, evacuating enema, insulin, complete
fast, and total rest all day.
As a general rule, it is given only
once a week, but the doctor can decide, according to the gravity
of the case, to give a second one in the same week.
One can receive several Major
Treatments according to the state of intoxication, the gravity of
the disease, and the response to the treatment.
The day before the Major Treatment, the
patient must take 6 oz. of milk of magnesia and be fasting as of
midnight. He can drink water at will.
In the morning, usually around 8:00 AM,
we give a very mild rectal evacuating enema to which we add
certain mineral salts. Approximately two hours later, we give the
insulin injection, the quantity being calculated on a precise
criteria, and we install an intravenous serum which has the
function to quickly restore the normal rate of glycemia should the
need arise.
After the oral, intramuscular and
intravenous administration of the treatment, we finish with 25 or
30 cc of hypertonic glucose, which brings glycemia back to
normal and prevents any coma or pre-coma.
Many diabetics know much too well that,
when they take insulin, it is recommended not to drink alcohol.
Why? Because insulin potentiates alcohol as it potentiates
medications. For example, the drinking of only one beer after
insulin is like drinking 4 or 5 without insulin.
Each following day of the week, we give
in the morning, on an empty stomach, what is called a Minor
Treatment. It requires no laxative, no rectal enema, and no
It is comprised of a minimum of
medications orally (by mouth), intramuscular and
intravenous to supplement the offensive of the Major Treatment in
the detoxification and the specific treatment of the problems in
Around 9.00 AM, as soon as the
treatment is finished, the patient can spend the remainder of the
day as he wishes.
Photo taken during a conference
at the clinic of Petion-Ville
Each case is reviewed day by day.
All is carefully noted in the file and the treatment is
reconsidered and readjusted according to the new coordinates. This
is what enables us to progress in the detoxification and to
concentrate on the major problems, on the important points of the
initial file.
Here is another very significant aspect
of this therapy. In conventional medicine, in the treatment of
chronic diseases, the patient must take his medication for the
remainder of his life. In ICT, even if the same medications are
used, we can usually discontinue these medications completely
once the physico-pathological condition is corrected. It is
the fruit of the detoxification and other elements of the
We seek to normalize as soon as
possible the functions of the organism. We try to bring it to
function alone, without the assistance of medication; this is why
the doses of medications decrease day by day.
Actually, we can allow ourselves to
taste it all! Only abuses and repetition are to be avoided.
It is not forbidden to take alcohol or
a glass of wine, especially in good company... or to taste good
pork roast on occasion... . We must read beyond the principles.
General recommendations:
No smoking.
Avoid exposures to cigarette smoke (any smoke).
Eliminate all excess of alcoholic beverages (wine, spirits,
and beer).
Drink at least eight (8) glasses of water per day between
Avoid physical and intellectual strains.
Plenty of sleep (the hours before midnight count double).
Exercise moderately, health walks, while learning how to
breathe: empty your lungs while sucking up your guts. Breathe in
deeply for eight seconds. Hold your breath twelve seconds, and
breathe out slowly for ten seconds. Repeat this exercise from
five to ten times per day.
Eat three meals per day at regular hours (light supper).
Eat slowly, chew your food well.
Avoid inactivity after supper. Avoid snacks before bed time.
Keep the intestines free (1 to 2 Tsp. of milk of magnesia
before bedtime if necessary).
Laxative every 3 to 4 weeks: 6 oz. of milk of magnesia before
Conform as much as possible to the following recommendations:
Avoid or decrease gradually the ingestion of forbidden food. Eat
with moderation those which are healthiest and the least
(low fat and low toxicity).
a) Foods to watch or to avoid:
Eggs: as is or in food with recipes containing
them: omelets, crepes, cakes, etc. No more than 3 per week.
Cheese: all except skimmed milk
"cottage" or with less than 9% fat.
Cream: ice cream, preparations containing
cream such as sugar with cream.
Butter or margarine: especially browned or in
dishes or on hot toast. They become stearate and are much more
difficult to digest.
Spicy foods.
Fatty soups: degrease them.
Sauces: of fatty meats, sauces in general.
Fatty meats and by-products: pork, ham, pork
roast, bacon, sausage, pork chops, rinds, head cheese, croutons,
tart plate, grease of roast, lardoons, streaky bacon, ragout,
pork & beans, fatty poultry, kidneys, calf sweetbread,
Fried foods in general: fish, fondue, chicken,
doughnuts, potatoes.
Roasted poultry.
Canned food, with oil.
Chocolate, coffee.
Alcohol: in all its forms.
Soft drinks in excess.
Whole milk, 3.25% fat.
White bread.
Pasta products: pizza, spaghetti.
Salt and refined sugar.
Bananas: (the only fatty fruit). No more than 2 or 3
per week.
Avocado: (the only fatty vegetable). In Haiti, it is
NB: Do not combine starchy foods with meat or sugars.
b) Foods allowed or recommended:
Fruits: raw or cooked, fresh, juice, fruit
salads, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, apples, and nuts
Vegetables: copiously, raw or slowly cooked.
Lettuce, spinach, asparagus, beets, celery, turnip, carrot,
potato (moderately), fresh vegetable juice. It is well to begin
the meal with crudities (raw fruits or raw vegetables, i.e. a
salad, carrot or celery sticks)
Cereals: in small quantity and without sugar
for the obese: rice, millet, buckwheat, barley. I recommend
biological cereals.
Whole wheat bread, brown bread at 90%, preferably rye
bread in moderation, to avoid plumpness.
Meats (lean only, quite tender).
Red: beef, horse. Cooked medium or medium-rare. Avoid
cooking in brown butter sauce.
White: chicken, calf, lamb, rabbit, quail: well cooked.
Fish: fresh if possible. NB: watch out for
mercury... . Recommended cooking: in the oven, braised, on
grill, boiled, or smoked.
Honey, maple syrup.
Skimmed cottage cheese, plain yogurt.
Milk and iced milk (2% fat).
Butter: moderately.
Margarine: avoid as much as possible in
Fresh fish: in the oven, smoked or boiled.
Home made soup degreased, without cream, with meat or
Coffee or natural tea (moderately: 1 or 2 cups per
Cold pressed oils: olive, sunflower, corn,
peanut and soy.
Spices: cayenne pepper, herba mare, tamari,
musk, sea salt, and garlic.
NB: Take into account personal cases of allergy and
intolerance, as well as special recommendations from your
< continue to part 4 >