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Medicine of Hope, part 4


Drink your solids and eat your liquids (Gandhi).

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

Eat to live instead of living to eat.

Quality must prevail over quantity.

Eat with love, with pleasure. Savor.

We eat our emotions.

We can change gradually our nutrition practices, for example: by reducing sugar and salt intake.

Eat better, without necessarily eating more.

Who eats like a glutton digs his grave with his teeth (Omar Khayham).

The fewer different dishes eaten during the same meal, the better one feels. A good food combination ensures a better digestion.

Be well nourished does not only mean eating a lot but also knowing how to breathe (to absorb oxygen), to move around, to walk in the sunshine, at the mountainside, to take the best advantage of the sea, to vibrate body and soul with the beauty of nature, with each element of the Cosmos, to enjoy, to savor life!

It is an excellent technique to know how to draw our own energy from the positive forces of the Cosmos: The earth we walk on, the air we breathe, the water surrounding us, the fire represented by the sun that itself represents God. As for ether, it is part of the other four elements.



There is not a week going by without the media making a big deal out of a new discovery. Each new aggressor (newly found carcinogen) triggers a fund raising appeal for research and gives a new glimmer of hope: "Finally! We have found it!"

Each time, it is necessary to find new weapons against these very new aggressors. Each one is more toxic than the others are.

Instead of creating in a positive way, we insist in creating in the negative. Instead of seeking new anti-carcinogen drugs, each more toxic than the other, why not look at ICT that can use them in a nontoxic way?



Nothing goes fast enough, in this world in a hurry to live and to die... . We inject hormones in poultry’s necks to make them, in less than one month, beautiful plump barbecue. It could be the cause of gynecomastia (breast hypertrophy) among young boys.

We make cows wear "custom made bras" because their udder is so heavy. Their spines are curved by the weight since we are injecting them with hormones. When we kill these cows, their meat is no longer good for human consumption.

For the same reason, lard is now yellowish; it was white fifty years ago. My great-grandfather ate his "brick of bacon" each day at 93 years of age.

The good milk with hormones we are being sold and milk with antibiotic come from chemically fattened cows (fattener and groats).

We push nature to the point of depositing pills in maple trees to activate the production of syrup: this technique kills our maple trees.

For a long time we have been spraying fruits and vegetables with insecticides. We give contraceptive to our domestic animals (dogs and cats). Latest innovation: In animal psychiatry, we now give them tranquilizers and antidepressants.

There is so much mercury in fish from our lakes that soon we will be thinking about making thermometers out of them... .

Do not believe that the problem of mercury in fish of our lakes is a myth.

I have in memory a very grave case of mercury poisoning. It was one of my best friends, a famous tourist guide about sixty, charged by the government with teaching fishing, hunting and trapping courses to Indians... .

He had been eating fresh fish about five days a week for about thirty years, when he started to feel pains and numbness in both arms, in the pectoral and dorsal muscles, to the point of experiencing difficulty walking. He who could run many hours in the woods, he had to curtail most of his activities as a guide when I took him in hand and helped him out of his condition. He ate pike (brochet) and walleyed pike (doré) coming from our aquatic resources.



This therapy is before all, a new medical technique.

Non nova sed nove. (Nothing new, but in a new way.)

We employ the same medications as conventional medicine, the same ways to administer them. This is pure medicine in its noblest expression.

We use the best quality of medications we can find. The most famous laboratories in the world manufacture them. We do not accept any substitutes, or generics, when possible.

We prefer the parenteral form (other than the digestive tract) because it is easier to subdivide an ampoule of 1, 2, 5 or 10 cc than splitting a tablet, but especially because of the absorption speed at the intercellular membrane level, because we alternate hypertonic glucose with intravenous medication, during the major treatment. It is exactly the phenomenon that the biochemist Fernand Seguin grasped so well.

The medications used are summarily classified as follows:

a) Drugs for massive detoxification of:

Intestines: laxatives, purgative cathartic (stimulant of the intestinal contraction), disinfecting, anti-diarrheal, intestinal adsorbent, anti-spasmodic.

Liver: cholagogues (stimulant of the evacuation of bile), choleretic (stimulants of bile secretion), hypocholesterolemic, hypolipemic, hepatic cell protectors.

Kidneys: electrolytes, diuretic, urinary disinfectant, antibiotic.

Lungs: respiratory disinfectants, respiratory stimulants, mucolytic stimulants (secretions liquefier), bronchodilators (dilate the bronchi), antibiotics.

Blood circulation: cardiac and circulatory stimulants, anti-hypertensor, vasodilator (dilate the blood vessels).

b) Specific and auxiliary medication combined:

We use medications used conventionally in current practice, but in split doses potentiated according to the insulin technique as explained in this book.

It is to be noted that in this therapy, we use neither morphine, codeine, aspirin, anxyolitic nor antidepressant.

I can affirm being able to treat just about all the diseases concerned in the presentation of the following cases with roughly 80 medications.

This contrasts strangely with the 15,000 medications that burdened our Health-Insurance budget by $ 750 million of its $ 13 billion in 1994.

The technique does it all. It is a different way to look at the patient, to consider the disease and to treat the human being who suffers from it.

Medicine then becomes a true art.



Being an enthusiast of "Yesteryear’s Belles", I have "restored" my own collection of 27 authentic old cars of the years 1915 to 1934.

At night, it would strike me to go and play at rebuilding a transmission or at straightening a bent fender.

Later when I became the owner of my own heavy equipment company, I would jump on a forklift or a bulldozer. I had 46 employees.

Observing machinery operate, and taking interest in my employees’ work, I learned a lot about the mechanics of the human body and I will deliver to you some bits of it.

You might say that it is completely aberrant to want to compare the human body with a car. Initially, one preceded the other by approximately 3 million years on earth, and the human brain has not yet understood nor elucidated the complexity of its 60,000 billion cells, of which 2 million die and are reborn, every second. The mystery remains, just like the possibility that a man and a woman can bring to this world 300,000 billion different living creatures, in only one relation, by the union of the ovum of a woman to one of the 400 billion spermatozoa of a man.

The human body and the car have a similar operation. Even if any comparison is "lame", this one is disconcertingly real and fits to a T. It can illuminate our lantern. Its simplicity puts it within the reach of all of us.

Our marvelous human body is so complex that its bio-physico-chemical mechanism has not yet been completely explained by the greatest scientists of all times. Even the mystery of life has not been explained. God alone could create such a wonder, the most extraordinary of all.

The brand new car, which comes out of the factory, comprises all that is necessary to function for years under "normal" conditions, and I insist on the word "normal". I do not want to enter into the erudite and technical explanation of electronics nor of modern mechanics, because I would easily lose here my Latin, my vocabulary, and my tools... .

I simply want to popularize in a simple, logical manner, within everyone’s reach a better medical comprehension of the human body, in a language that the health professionals should adopt. We do not always know how to explain it, or perhaps we do not take enough time to provide the explanations that the patient expects from us, just like when a complicated electronic apparatus is bought, a fax machine or a computer for instance.



The lung

This is the air filter that contains 18,000 lobules in each lung and 600 million air sacs (small cavities in the fabric of a lobule); those, unfolded, would cover 3000 to 4000 square meters.

The lungs contain 2 liters of blood and filter 10,000 liter of air and 15,000 to 20,000 liter of blood per day. They transform, day and night, even during sleep, our venous blue blood, charged with impurities, into glowing red arterial blood, purified at the air cell level thanks to a process of oxygenation. Without oxygen, everyone knows it, life is impossible. Lungs would be clogged by cigarette smoke (the one we smoke or the one smoked under our nose day in and day out), by "god’s little dust", by the million of germs present in each cubic meter of air of a large city, by repeated respiratory infections (sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), by toxic chemical substances floating in the polluted air of a city (carbon monoxide, mine dust, etc.), and even by the air conditioning of large buildings. The air coming out of air conditioning vents is very often charged with more germs than the air coming in. We neglect to replace filters.

I heard on television, 4 years ago (circa 1990), that in Mexico City, a city of 23 million inhabitants, and close to 3 million motor vehicles, that children could not go to classes early in the morning for lack of oxygen, Mexico City being built in a kind of cupola up on a mountain. For the same reason, it is not possible any more to do jogging in San Francisco.

By comparison, in a rural setting, there are sometimes only 10 to 15 microbes per cubic centimeter of air against 180,000 in certain cities. I was listening to a certain speaker declaring that, in 1991, in Montreal, there were 5 million germs per cubic meter of air.

Any mechanic understands this paramount role of the air filter: It is the first thing we check when a car lacks spirit, power, when it "does not pull". The single fact of changing the air filter or of removing it temporarily is very often enough to give again to the tired, lazy engine, a new lease on life. It could not breathe.


The kidney

We can compare it with the gas filter which should allow only pure gasoline (blood) to pass in the line to the carburetor (the blood vessels and the heart), without dirt, oil, condensed water, or dust. A good diuresis (secretion of urine) cannot be ensured without the absorption of at least two liters of water per day. A clogged kidney, like an old filter with dilated pores, allows to pass in the urine, with the waste of combustion, elements of blood components, for example albumin which is a protein, a component of blood and organs.

The kidney is a vital organ and if by misfortune we lose one of them, the other must work twice as much. We cannot live without a kidney. Today we can transplant kidneys and we have recourse to a kidney machine. We know the problems that a gas filter full of water can cause, ice in winter, rust, and dirt that we have neglected to change or clean. We transferred gasoline coming from dirty containers; it had condensation in the tank. Bad nutrition and serious or repeated infections (such as measles, scarlet fever) can cause irrevocable damage to kidneys. Let us note in passing that, contrary to other filters, the kidney, by exception, filters backward. Instead of letting the blood pass, it removes waste and eliminates it in the urine.


The intestines

These are largely responsible for the majority of our chronic ills. We do not want to get rid of what we do not need any more; we want to keep everything, even our waste: we are a people of great chronic constipation. It is somewhat the price of abundance, opulence, inactivity, modernism, automation, our century of overconsumption, and our feeding habits, which we will reconsider later. Each day, we could feed millions of Africans with the scraps from our table.

The intestine is the emunctory (organ that carries off body wastes), the most significant purifier of our organism. All things considered, it is the oil sump and accumulates the filings caused by friction and the normal wear and tear of the engine: it is its drain. It is the dump of the waste of combustion and absorption of the system. It is divided into the small and large intestine.

It is in the small intestine that the already crushed food, chemically attacked by acids, bacteria and digestive enzymes. remains in liquid or semi- liquid form. It is on this level that nutritive exchanges are made, that the organism draws its resources, such as vitamins, minerals, protids (proteins), glucids (sugars), and lipids (fats). This location overflows with toxic substances, waste resulting from the bio-physico-chemical conversions, microbes and bacteria.

If the second part of the intestine, the one named the colon or large intestine, eliminates badly or is partially blocked--this is what is called constipation--these toxins are reabsorbed by the organism at the level of the small intestine which is very vascularized, instead of being normally poured into the large intestine. They poison the entire system. The colon or large intestine is comprised of an ascending section or caecum where it is joined with the small intestine: This is where the appendix is located "the abdomen’s tonsil", of which surgeons have already been so fond: 146,437 appendectomies from 1971 to 1977 and 97,452 from 1989 to 1993.

To the caecum, or ascending colon, succeeds the transverse part, downward, sigmoid (in form of "S"), terminal or rectum, and the anus, seat of hemorrhoids. Let us mention in passing that the large intestine is also vascularized, but much less than the small one. What is called a hemorrhoid (47,372 interventions from 1971 to 1977 and 57,760 from 1989 to 1993) is quite simply the abnormal dilation of a vein of the rectum. It is thus a varice as well as any others, in direct connection with the liver, because all the veins of our body are converging towards the liver in a very large vein called portal vein. Thus, if there is blockage at the liver, defect of elimination, it is possible to find dilated vessels, varices, and hemorrhoids. It is mechanically logical. The small brooks (veins) overflow in the spring, congested when the river or the lake in which they flow into (the liver) overflow or are overloaded. Instead of treating the liver and the intestine, we operate. Surgery does not seem to understand... .


The phenomenon of the water glass

There is another very significant point to which I want to draw attention: the majority of constipated people are unaware of it. It is the phenomenon "of the water glass", the glass which one forgets under the tap. When it is full, it is the overfill that overflows, but the glass remains always full!

It is the same with the colon (large intestine). If, during an examination, one finds a large congestive intestine, painful to palpation, larger than normal, even if the patient praises himself to have daily bowl movements, it eliminates badly. The stools accumulate, adhering to the walls, blocking most of the fecal bowl. It is a chronic form of constipation and it is heavy with consequences, because of the re-absorption of toxins and bile reflux at the liver level. Other very significant consequences are the following:

a) Aerocele: It is the accumulation of intestinal gases by fermentation of sugars.

b) Diverticulosis: When too large a quantity of fecal matter presses against the intestinal wall, it yields to the pressure and it forms balloon like cavities, small pockets that fill with waste, where putrefaction settles, with formation of toxic gas reabsorbed in the blood steam.

c) Varices and hemorrhoids are caused partly by the congestion of the liver, partly by the pressure exerted on the pelvic veins (of the pelvis) as well as by the return congestion which swells the hemorrhoidal plexus (small veins joining at the rectum) and the veins of the legs.


The liver

Foreword: It is curious to find among the Senegalese people this colorful expression which gives to the liver all its importance: Boul diape saumu rèss, literally: do not attack my liver, but more precisely: do not touch my heart.

These people of Africa, who are much closer to nature than we are, have understood that the liver is even more important than the heart.

The liver is the oil filter. Let us talk about that one! It is the most "badly treated" organ by medicine and surgery and also the most "mistreated" by our nutrition and our lifestyle. A fact surprises me enormously: the list of medications of the Health Insurance of Quebec management does not contain any more, any cholagogue medication (which stimulates bile evacuation) nor any choleretic (which stimulates bile secretion).

In the first years of my practice there used to exist on the pharmaceutical market some marvelous drugs for the liver. Playing the role of pharmacist at the same time, I chose, controlled, distributed and checked the effectiveness of medications by the results obtained. Thus I had made the selection of methiscol (US Vitamins), lipotropic (Rougier Laboratory) and sulfarlem-choline (Herdt & Charton). They have completely disappeared from the "map".

It was a great advantage for the doctor and the patient. Now, once the prescription is written, we let it go on a piece of paper without being able to check personally its effectiveness. Now the best cholagogue (stimulant of bile secretion) and choleretic (stimulants of bile evacuation) exist in Europe, in injectable form. And yet, in North America, we claim that we have the world championship of liver diseases. In Quebec only, from 1971 to 1977, liver operations are ranked second after tonsillectomies with a total of 2,606 gall bladder ablations. Ref.: Bulletin de la Corporation des Docteurs du Québec 1978.


Biliary dyskinesia

Here is an interesting observation: Almost all the chronic patients that I treated with ICT presented some problems of biliary dyskinesia (or bad bile elimination), even and especially if their liver had been operated on. Whether it is about migraine, vascular cephalgia, angina, infarction, circulatory troubles, asthma, emphysema, osteoarthritis, allergies, dermatosis, and even cancer, some symptoms do not lie.

[IPTQ Webhost Update 7/11/03:  A biliary dyskinesia patient has suggested that Dr. Paquette's ideas about this condition are incorrect or out of date.  She provided these links for more recent information: 1, 2, and 3.  It appears that Dr. Paquette was using this term to refer to a wider range of problems, "Bad elimination of bile", which IPT might be able to address.]

The fact of having been operated for the liver does not go against this observation. When we remove the gall bladder and we allow the liver to pour its bile directly into the duodenum (part of the intestine attached to the stomach), without allowing it to remain in a bag, the gall bladder, we decrease the chances that bile has to become stones, calculus (gallbladder stone), a little like sugar that crystallizes in jam. Therefore we do not truly treat the liver: We quite simply prevent the bilious attack, the painful passage of a calculus, a stone with its rough edges in a duct to small and very sensitive.

How many people who had their liver operated on still suffer from it and will always suffer from it? Stones, not being able to be formed in the gall bladder, are formed sometimes in the bile duct and then we must operate again. To truly treat the liver, it is initially necessary to empty the intestine, to stimulate the secretion and elimination of bile, to follow an appropriate diet, to exercise and to "stop making bile" (quit worrying).

Returning to the parallel between the human body and a car, the liver represents the oil filter: It is "the life of the engine" was often repeating to me by Moses Aubé, expert mechanic at my heavy equipment company. A clogged up oil filter allows too much oil to pass through; too much grease and impurities, too much waste from engine wear in the system.

A two-cycle engine (outboard motor, lawn mower) uses only one part of oil for fifteen of gasoline. Without that the carburetor jets (coronary arteries) are clogged and very quickly the engine "sputters". In our blood, the oil is its cholesterol and there are also the triglycerides that the liver, our chemical plant, manufactures.


Symptoms of liver disease

It is curious to note that lipidic assessments, blood tests for liver function, very often reveal results incompatible with the clinical examination and symptomatology. Certain patients have excessively high cholesterol levels and yet do not present any significant hepatic symptom.

On the other hand, other patients have a cholesterol level within the normal limits and present a very heavy hepatic symptomatology: acid reflux, bar at the liver (or at the hypochondria, upper abdomen) irradiating sometimes to the back, palpitations, heart pains (which often mask a congestion of the liver left lobe), dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), cotton mouth, bad breath, nausea, vomiting, dizzy spells especially when one gets up too quickly or when one turns the head too fast, numbness of the extremities, cold intolerance, impatience, tendency to epistaxis (nosebleed), vision of yellow dots, headache or cephalgia in helmet (as if one wears a cap too tight), fat intolerance, abnormal thirst or postprandial heaviness (somnolence after a meal). At the physical examination, we find a liver overloaded, painful to the touch, distention, coated tongue (white), a yellowish cornea, cholesteatomas (small fatty tumors on eyelids), a greasy skin, oily hair, varices or hemorrhoids, cold extremities (cyanosis). Much too often we are satisfied with a cholangiography (radiography of the bile ducts) and with a blood test to determine if something is wrong with the liver. In front of negative results, the traditional answer is often the following one: "Everything is normal, there is nothing wrong with your liver. You can eat anything you want". And this is wrong.



A good investigation must also comprise a tight questionnaire. Insignificant details for the patient often give the key of the enigma to the doctor. One can pass by a diagnosis as one can pass by a lake in a dense forest. In medicine, there are three significant elements of diagnosis that must always go hand in hand: the subjective questionnaire (what the patient feels), the objective physical examination (what the doctor notes) and laboratory data, of radiology or others, which can confirm or invalidate a diagnosis.

The ear of the doctor and the stethoscope can diagnose a congestion of the lungs that radiography cannot highlight, and on the other hand radiography can detect a pneumonia that the auscultation cannot reveal. The stethoscope does not evaluate the pain of a crisis of angina, nor does an electrocardiogram (EKG). Angina pectoris is one of those diseases that no doctor could detect without the assistance of the patient.

And yet the poor patient suffers. The pain he feels remains sometimes the only valid diagnostic criterion. There also exist non-palpable elements that no scanner could find nor measure.

How many erroneous diagnoses, made in a hurry, have lead to superfluous days of hospitalization with unnecessary and useless operations? How much accumulated suffering because medicine has become too technical, because it forgot that there is a human being hidden behind the disease?

Let us not forget either that there is a mysterious alchemy between body and spirit. To succeed well in medicine, it is necessary to look after both at the same time.



Our professor of clinical chemistry at the University taught us to carry out tests on various fluids of the organism: blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.

During his first class, he reminded us of that heroic epoch of the medical pioneers, our predecessors, who used all their senses and the available means to arrive at surprisingly exact diagnoses. "They did not hesitate, he said, to taste the urine of a diabetic to detect the presence of sugar. For example, here: this urine contains a high rate of glucose." He dipped in there a finger and took it to his mouth in front of us. "Is there someone among all of you who wants to taste it?" Nobody dared to answer. "Not even one in a class of 138 students? Does nobody have the courage of those of the last generation?"

A student timidly raised the hand. He made him approach. The student dipped a finger and carried it to his mouth and made a pout of disgust. Dr. M. congratulated him but he admonished him on his lack of observation. "If you had observed me well, he said, you would have noticed that I dipped the index finger, but that it is the major finger that I carried to my lips."

Today, all is simplified. Electronics is present in every hospital. In a few moments, we can obtain the results of almost all-conceivable tests. This is really the era of "computerized" medicine. We make less and less effort to question patients, to examine them, to observe them, to search in their life-style and their family background to find the cause of their ills.

I remember this young lady from a well-to-do family, for whom the father had consulted at least three dermatologists and spent a lot of money doing so. She presented on the forehead a lesion the size of a nickel (1.5 cm) that did not want to heal for 3 or 4 full years. The cortisone ointments they had prescribed to her were not doing her any good.

While observing thoroughly with the naked eye, I discovered the characteristic little holes "two by two" of scabies lesions. A simple application of lindane cream after a classic friction with a rough towel, and three days later, it was gone.

These two by two little holes represent the entrance hole and exit hole of the sarcopte (a parasite) who digs small burrows under the skin.



The gift of observation is a big asset for any practitioner. An unknown lady comes to my office with one of her friends. She enters alone, and before she says a single word, all of a sudden I enumerate all her problems and the reason for her consultation: "You have frequent cephalgias (headaches), as if you were wearing a hat too tight, you are dizzy especially when you lean over, turning your head too quickly or when arising from a crouched position. Your intestines function too slowly, you are constipated and you have sometimes the feeling of a bar under the ribs on the right side. Haven't you already been treated for hemorrhoids? Don't you have small varicose veins? Show me your tongue. It is loaded (white). Show me your hands. They must be cold."

Very amazed, she said to me: "But who told you that? Is it my friend?" "No Madam, it is you! Your friend, I did not speak to her. Is she here? It is you who revealed it to me! This spot under the eyelid we call cholesteatoma, this yellowish cornea that I noticed as soon as you walked in, this white tongue that attracted my attention a while ago... !"



But let us return to the liver. The liver filters one hundred liters of blood and forty liter of lymph in one hour. We have all seen the greasy deposit left in a plate by a dish too rich in fat, the "good pork roast" for instance... . Being a filter, it must control the quantity of fat in the blood stream. It is the same for blood, which has too much fat circulating at body temperature (97.8 F or 37 C) in our arteries. A layer of fatty deposit settles inside the arteries, like rust in a pipe, so that the lumen of the blood vessel gradually reduces itself to the point were it is clogged up: It is atheromatosis.

The problem is much more crucial at the level of the arteries extremely small to begin with, for example in the brain, the heart, the extremities, and all the glandular system, which explains a great general unbalance.

They irrigate highly specialized and fragile tissues. Cold feet, cold hands indicate the same phenomenon. If you change the furnace of an old hot water heating system, believing to improve its output, without noticing any appreciable change, you should perhaps better check the pipes: They are certainly clogged by rust and sediment. The circulation does not reach your extremities. An acute indigestion, for example, masks very often a heart attack. A spasm can occur at the coronary arteries level, their blood flow being already decreased. A blockage then occurs that we call a myocardial infarction (death of heart muscle tissue) that is fatal in 50% of cases in the first attack. Did you know that a normal heart (the engine: 5.7 liter... of blood) pumps ten tons of blood per day and 2,730,000 liter (of blood) per year? It is surely the most active muscle of all our system: 36 million pulsations per year.



This is my own version, an explanation I found in no medicine handbook. It is during my 18 years of Cellular Therapy that this way of understanding chronic disease came to me. I always sought the why of things, of diseases.

At my clinics, as long as a treatment had not yet been given, it did not cease haunting me. Often I would change the content at the last minute. If I were found to be inattentive, it is that my thoughts did not stop working. Day and night, I sought; I revised again each case in my head. At night, sometimes, I got up to go and correct a therapy chart, to change a medication, a dosage. I never was a person of half-measures.

You will easily understand my point of view by reading again my observations on the intestine, the liver, and the blood circulation. It is all logical.

The disease usually begins with a slowing down of elimination on the intestinal side causing an elimination blockage of the bile coming from the liver. Thereafter, all the blood vessels are invaded by the surplus of fat, as I explain it by the phenomenon of "rust" in the pipes.

Then necessarily follow the cerebral circulatory troubles (cephalgias and migraines), cardiac troubles (angina, infarction), peripheral troubles (acrocyanosis or blue extremities), which is easy and normal to extrapolate to all the organs of the human body, causing what is called the disease.

The organs, the endocrine glands become badly irrigated, which prevents them from playing their roles well.

It is my modest contribution to medical science. The biliary dyskinesia that I have retraced in almost all of the chronic diseases is not only present, but I hold it responsible, in a way, for problems and diseases we call chronic.

Biliary dyskinesia, bad elimination of bile, is not caused solely by bad nourishment. First, under the effect of anxiety, the nervous system causes the liver to produce more bile. Don’t we always say in French: "Stop making bile" (quit worrying). Secondly, under the effect of the nervous system, still a nervous spasm on the level of the choledochus duct (bile duct), preventing the bile from being eliminated. It returns into the blood stream causing the above-mentioned problems, by slowing blood circulation and the effectiveness of the whole system.

[IPTQ Webhost Update 7/11/03:  A biliary dyskinesia patient has suggested that Dr. Paquette's ideas about this condition are incorrect or out of date.  She provided these links for more recent information: 1, 2, and 3.  It appears that Dr. Paquette was using this term to refer to a wider range of problems, "Bad elimination of bile", which IPT might be able to address.]


The skin

The phenomenon of goose bumps

Lastly, the skin is the fifth emunctory system (carrying off body waste). It is the heaviest organ of the human body and plays the thermoregulator roles of the thermostat and the radiator of a car. It weighs 4 kg, and rejects by its pores sweat and certain toxins. Its function is far from being negligible. It is the barrier between our external atmosphere and our inner flesh. It has an active role: It regulates body temperature, dilating and allowing sweat to ooze out to cool itself (by evaporation) when it is too hot or tightening itself to keep heat when it is too cold. This last vasoconstrictor (constriction of the vessels) phenomenon is observed in what the French call "la chair de poule" (goose bumps).

The skin plays a significant role in the metabolism of water, and also plays a role of anti-infectious agent. I remember having applied a treatment of ICT to a patient (female) suffering from viral hepatitis (see digestive diseases case # 2). The same evening, the patient noticed a very heavy yellow coloration of her bath water. The skin had obviously contributed to the detoxification. A few days later, the blood tests revealed a quasi-incredible improvement, which would have normally taken weeks to occur and the patient, felt definitively better.


The circulatory system

I will quote again, in the body’s great detoxification system the circulatory system itself; the pump: the heart; the plumbing: the arteries, the veins, the lymphatic network and the capillary system representing 100,000 km, being two and a half times around the earth at the equator. Without circulation, there are no intercellular exchanges, no absorption on the digestive side, and the best medications have no effect.

This is another reason ICT treatments are so powerful, because they work, above all, on circulation to have access to all the diseased areas of your body: to all the glands (hypophysial or pituitary gland, pineal, thyroid, suprarenal, pancreas), to all the cells, even the most hidden or the most peripheral. There are about 60,000 billion cells in the human body.

To insure its own life, as a functional unit of the body, a cell must be nourished, breathe (receive oxygen), get rid of its waste, and reproduce. Quadruple role insured by the blood brought in contact with each cell by the capillary network (see Physiology or operation of a cell).

Life is a continual movement of liquids (the human body consists of 70% water) between cells and inside the cells. The mere general slowing of the movement of liquids inside and outside the cells causes disease, affirmed Dr. Salmanoff, and the complete stop of this movement means death.

< continue to part 5 >


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