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Medicine of Hope, part 5


To complete this comparison with the car, the nervous system represents the electric system with its network (11 km of nervous fiber and 13 billion of synchronized fiber), a battery (the brain 1.35 kg), a recharge system, (recovery with rest/sleep), the current: 6 watt of energy, some relays: the nerve cells. Never let a battery go dead, to discharge until the last limit. It will never be a good battery again. There are "limits..." that must be respected. Never rest, "to burn the candle on both ends," to live continuously under "tension," it is like turning on all the circuits at the same time: headlights, blinkers, heater, the de-icing, radio, windshield wipers and the horn non stop, without giving the battery any chance to recover: this is what causes "stress." Better, it is like trying to start a cold engine until the battery is totally exhausted.

We have a tendency, when we do not know what causes the harm, to hold the nervous system responsible. We always need a culprit. Nevertheless, we should not exaggerate. We have put too much emphasis on psychosomatic diseases for the last few years.

It is recognized that the psyche always amplifies and can even create a problem, with a real somatic, corporal, starting point: asthma for example. The simple fact, for the patient, to start missing air, at the beginning of the crisis, triggers a reaction of anguish and stress that complicates the problem. As soon as he feels reassured, his throat and his breathing apparatus slacken, and already he breathes better.



How many patients live in emotional instability, in uncertainty, in ignorance, in the deep anguish of their disease because we do not know how to talk to them? Often also because we cannot find a logical explanation for their problems.

It is perfectly normal for a patient to try to know more, to discuss his disease with "his doctor," to whom he came in full confidence.

Very often, the doctor is stingy of his time, his explanations. Sometimes it is by ignorance that he does not dare to say anything. His silence increases the anguish, the anxiety, and the uncertainty to the point of frustrating the patient. The patient does not dare to speak any more. He fears the worst. He feels that he disturbs the doctor who is paid to listen to him, to inform him, to advise him, to guide him.

There are sometimes doctors who argue and are annoyed! A surgeon had answered to his patient: "I am the one who is right, I will prove it to you at your autopsy... !"

The patients understand only summarily what happens in them. Unfortunately, when we do not know what to say to them, we have recourse to this string of stupid and evasive answers reserved for these cases we cannot classify: "This is nervous!" "It is an allergy!" "It is a new virus!" "It is in your mind!" "It is psychic!" "Stop smoking!" (Even if the patient never smoked of his life). "Do not waste your money, that will never get cured!" (See neurological diseases, case # 2). "You have only 3 months left to live!" (See cancer, case # 5). "We are treating those who can still be treated!" (See cancer, case # 1). "Accustom yourself to living with your disease!" "Stop concentrating on your disease!" "Think about something else!" "It is too chronic, there is nothing more we can do!" "You can have a reaction and die!" "That will pass!"

How many people feel embarrassed to question their doctor or are afraid to ask stupid questions? There are only stupid answers. And if the doctor is stingy with his explanations, they will leave only more traumatized, more worried.

This ignorance complicates their disease. My experiment proved to me that there is always something we can do. It is by making the patient conscious of the psychological cause of his problems (there is always a psychic relation to any physical manifestation). It is by explaining the normal or physiological mechanism of his organism that he can better understand what occurs in his own body and better help his doctor to treat him.



The health field is very vast: it includes those who "think health," those who provide care, and those who exploit health. It is not limited to conventional medicine. It includes the marginal ones, the dissidents, the non-conventional ones, those of alternative medicine, homeopaths, osteopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage-therapists, manipulators of energy, in short: all those who, from near or from far, are interested and work for the physical and moral well-being of the individual.

It is the richest worldly trust in the world: it has supplanted that of oil.

The medical ideology is very unstable. It is not seated firmly on invariable mathematical data. It is at the mercy of the normal evolution that is realized and must be realized in any experimental science. We are listening to the voice of the great Masters, of the great researchers from all the countries of the world who want to find a solution to all our ills.

An undeniable and inexorable reality is, like Cain’s eye, always here, at the end of our horizon: the more medical science evolves, the more one feels anxious, abandoned, lost. There are always new diseases emerging, all more threatening than the others, like AIDS and Streptococcus A, a flesh eater, and Ebola.

Computerization and electronics have opened pathways never yet cleared in the meanders of our ignorance. It is the hour of "computerized" medicine.



Electronics specialists at the tenth speed of modernism have just added a sharp crescendo sign to the medicine of the hour: we enter on computer the complete patient file, his diagnosis, and all his current or old medication.

We know instantaneously the side effects, the interdependencies, the contra-indications of medicines, as well as the choice by computer of the best medicine to be prescribed.

That is very nice, but are we quite sure that the initial diagnosis is correct? The most whimsical explanations and the most eccentric allegations fill out the daily newspapers and the magazines. Through this bombardment of new ideas, is done valuable objective and scientific research in certain universities and within pharmaceutical companies. Would they be stimulated by discovery rather than by financial success?



It is customary and "à la mode" on recommendation of our doctor to get each year, a series of tests called an annual medical check up. And usually to be told after a few weeks: "everything is normal and for the best," unless sometimes we get the close-up on a detail of little importance.

Curious fact, how many patients, who have waited months before getting their examinations, who proved to be normal, found themselves, a few weeks later, bearers of infarcts or catastrophes just as worrisome?

A circulatory problem, digestive, genito-urinary, respiratory or other has remained undetected or at least did not sufficiently retain the doctor’s attention that could have forecasted and prevented more serious problems.

Perhaps you were told that "they are part of normal life, that it is necessary to get used to live with them", even if it means to hide the symptoms with a prescription. Disease is normal; it is health, which is a luxury nowadays. Moreover, don't we have Health Insurance instead of Disease Insurance?

It is a mistake to evaluate the human being in terms of spare parts. Each one of our 60,000 billion cells is closely connected to all the others. The most sophisticated apparatuses of the hour are still very far away from the subtlety of a human brain that a conscientious doctor can place at your disposal. It is up to him to make the correlation or the rapprochement between the various systems.

It is necessary to differentiate check up (verification) and tune-up (minor adjustment). The problems must be corrected. In medicine, we too often restrict ourselves with the arrival of electronics to establish diagnoses. Unlike for your car, we cannot change but we can clean your filters: air filter (lungs), oil filter (liver), gas filter (kidney), we can drain your engine (intestines), and recharge your battery (nervous system).

Should our car be treated better by the mechanic than we are? He repairs what needs to be repaired.

We should not be surprised by this vogue acquired by parallel medicines, alternative medicine, and soft medicine to the detriment of conventional medicine.

Each one applies his philosophy according to his own formation "whether it was only of a few weeks or of several years:" colon irrigation, living food based on germination (sprouts), macrobiotics, presumably natural products, complete fast or with water, juice cure, maple syrup cure, natural antibiotics, the biological ones and what not? Some new ones are coming out every month. The universal panacea is sought in vain. Recipes from India are competing with those of Sweden, the East, and South America: even the most intelligent get fooled.

Syndromes (gathering of symptoms) have become diseases. The so-called latest fashion (it existed 40 years ago) is urinotherapy: it involves not drinking your own urine, but that of your neighbor. Why not that of an AIDS patient... ? And at the source, while you are at it!



Medications, these crutches of a lame organism, have as a role to chemically restore a state rendered pathological by a disorder in the normal physiology of the human body. They are almost always harmful and have unsuspected effects.

They occupy in our modern society the dominating place we gave them, so much so, that their adepts couldn’t do without them any more. They come in every form, every color, every price, in any means of administration: sublingual, oral, chewable, drinkable, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, out of an atomizer, effervescent, coated, in short, for every taste, every age, every whim, every custom, every need, real or fictitious.

Confusion reigns. It is the Tower of Babel. We believe in having heart troubles because someone slips under our tongue a sublingual tablet of ativan against anxiety. Their manufacturers are doing an excellent business. Already, their prices were going up every six months. Some had even tripled in three years. Someone told me recently that they started going down since the Ministry of Health pays for generics with side effects often unsuspected, for example, here:



In 1988, I had refilled for three patients the prescription of a very well known medication (ativan). The first, informed me a few days later that he was awakening every night around two or three in the morning, that he started trembling and could not fall asleep again. I could not understand. A second one told me the same thing after a few days and a third at the end of one week. Then I made my small investigation. By adding on my prescriptions: "no substitutes", everything fell into place.

As much medications are lying on drawer bottoms, in patients’ cabinets, at the bottom of "satchels", as on pharmacies’ shelves. They lose their effectiveness and their chemical properties, become spoiled and occasionally dangerous. The patients themselves, at the smallest booboo, juggle with medications, which can be harmful, and take them as if they were only simple peppermint candies. We imprudently share them with each other, we play doctor, and we change their containers with the risks that it involves.

There are so many medications in circulation that, if we threw them all out in the ocean, it would be a great blessing for humanity and a great misfortune for the fish... .

On the other hand, if we all quit drinking and smoking and if we fed ourselves better, half of the hospitals would close their doors and the pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt.

The patient, to whom his doctor refuses a medication, very quickly runs elsewhere to seek a medical prescription. He makes the rounds of doctors, uses subterfuge, and sometimes even asks for some under false representations. It is true that for a doctor, it is not very popular, especially nowadays, to restrict himself to prescribe only a diet (see a face full of zits p. 91), to intervene in the daily routine of a patient, and to encourage him to change his lifestyle. The patient expects a prescription; such is his mentality. However medications decrease the organism’s self-defense, and the less our body works, the more it degenerates.

The danger of casually taking medications should not be minimized. Even in very small doses, they can start anaphylactic reactions, i.e. of intolerance, and sometimes death. We remember the famous tranquilizer, "thalidomide," supposed to be harmless which, administered to pregnant women marked a whole generation in giving birth to malformed children (missing limbs).

Soon will appear therapeutic diseases that will occur by order of frequency after cardiac diseases, cancer, and automobile accidents. They are the logical consequence of the introduction of chemical substances into the system, which disturb physiology and poison the organism.

It is known that sometimes we must pay, for a so-called cure or a simple improvement, the price of an infirmity due to medication. We recognize the marvelous effects of cortisone, antibiotics, sulphamids, gold salts, but do we also know how dangerous their use can be? They have side effects that can endanger life and cause diseases more serious than those for which they were prescribed.

Here again, the way medication is administered plays a significant role. "Daily oral cortisone tablets intake, with decreasing doses in the long run, would be more harmful than the occasional injectable dose," a world medical authority confided to me.

The initial reaction of the doctor is often to prescribe a medication against the symptoms rather than to seek the causes of the evil, question, listen to, give small advice that does not cost anything, and to attack the causes logically.

Our hand is too quick to grab the prescription pad. We capitulate to the consumer’s request and we do not have the guts to assert ourselves.

This is what makes some critics say that "professional conscience is down, and that we are satisfied to give a new appointment to the patients and to put in their hand a small handful of pills or a symptomatic prescription."



It is from my father, a doctor, that I hold, since my first year of practice, a medical secret he had received from Dr. Alexis Carreil, Nobel Prize 1912 and the author of "L’homme cet inconnu" (Man this unknown). He was his Major at the "Hôpital de Saint Cloud" in Paris, during the First World War.

"This medication makes miracles in cases of acute nervous breakdown, of neurosis asthenia (cardiac neurosis, effort syndrome, irritable heart, soldier's heart), of exhaustion, of hypotension and general debility," he had said to me. He usually made use of it on the gravely wounded in battle. It has been for me the best emergency tonic of my therapeutic arsenal.

I have experience of a good hundred remarkable cases that have benefited from it. Among others, a foreman of a forest company who had 28 men under his command and who, one evening came in with an acute depression. "Claude, help me, I beg you, I swear to you that something bad will happen to me. A few moments ago, I almost threw myself down off the bridge, help me!" I thought right away of my "dad’s" secret and administered to him 10 cc of intravenous calcium.

Without having taken any other medications, he spent an excellent night and came back the next morning with a smile on his lips. In four or five days, he was back on his feet. He is still alive and could testify to it.

What comparison of medicine between this string of: Valium, Librium, Ativan, and anxiolytic with which we play yo-yo, by alternating them with antidepressants.

It is very curious to note that even the Sandoz Company, which produces this medication in Europe and in Canada, never mentioned in its advertising the therapeutic indication that I just shared with you.

In homeopathy, we discover with astonishment and much respect that there is an extremely subtle and close relationship between what is called calcium and the individual’s deep mental and emotional level.

Calcium is the fifth most important element of the human body. It is a mineral essential to the maintenance of the functional integrity, of the nervous, muscular, and osseous (bone) systems as well as the permeability of the cell membrane.

It is the central nervous system’s purest tonic. It is an extraordinary restorative, at the same time as a NATURAL regulator of the nervous function, and I underscore the word NATURAL.

Allow me to go back to my analogy between the human body and the car.

If on a hard cold winter day, you try to start your cold engine, and the battery is too weak to crank the engine over, and the starter "clicks", it is because there is not enough electricity to bring the spark to the spark plug and start this small explosion you are hoping for, while you are clinching your teeth! Do not forget the 11-km of nervous fiber in your organism or the 6 watts of electricity you have... .

Extrapolating, injecting intravenous calcium is quite simply like recharging your battery. When the influx is good, everything works!

Your 11 km of nerve fibers transport the electric impulses and give again the necessary tonicity to your 13 billion synchronized nerve fibers. Isn't this more logical than to play yo-yo with anxiolytics, tranquilizers, and antidepressants?

Conventional medicine uses injectable calcium in tetanus, hypocalcemia, cramps due to spider bites (black widow), intoxication with fluoride or oxalic acid, hyperthermia contractions, extremely rare depressions due to magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) overdose, osteomalacia, rickets, lead colic, and what not?

There is no contra-indication except with a digitalis treatment, tetracycline (antibiotic), or the presence of osseous (bone) metastases.

Before playing with the regulator (anxiolytic and antidepressants), we must make sure that there is fire and that there is enough of it. A grounded nervous system is a battery "kaput"... !

I have experienced several hundreds of cases that reacted marvelously to calcium gluconate injections in cases of nervous breakdown and exhaustion. Here is a typical postpartum (after childbirth) nervous breakdown.

Concerning a young mother 23 years of age, who finds herself, the day after her childbirth, exhausted and demoralized. In the weeks that followed, we could not even leave her alone with her young daughter. She would not stop repeating, "I would like to send her back where she came from".

Anorexia, insomnia, tears, and depression completed the picture. Many consultations in psychiatry hardly improved it. The family is completely discouraged. They bring me the patient.

A few days after the first injections of calcium, she finally accepts her child, starts smiling again and becomes an exemplary mother.



A medical regulation of the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows a doctor to use, for an indication not recognized, a medication already recognized. This attitude seems to be accepted in Canada by the Health Protection Branch.

While extrapolating, the technique of Insulin-Cellular Therapy is based on a still ignored indication of a drug, insulin, already recognized to treat diabetes.

"Neither an investigational new drug application nor reports to the Food and Drug Administration are required for a physician to use a non investigational drug that is already available to him, whether or not it is to be used in an unapproved way or for investigation."



Let us get back to our car:

With some gas and some oil (the food) in conformity with recommended standards (the diet), some care and maintenance (lifestyle) an engine (the heart), chassis (200 bones, the spinal column), bodywork (500 muscles, the cutaneous coating), suspension (joints), shock absorbers (sheaths, muscles and tendons), an electric system (nervous system), a cooling system consisting of: a thermostat, (the skin), a radiator (the sweat glands), some piping (arteries, veins, lymphatic and capillary vessels), tires (we walk on rubber soles), we can make thousands of kilometers without major problems on condition, of course, that it has no manufacturing or fabrication defects (infirmity, hereditary problems), that we use it intelligently (diet and well balanced lifestyle), that we do not let the various systems get dirty, and that we clean the filters.

Caution: There are cars coming out of the assembly line that do not run properly.

Respect your body as much as you respect your car. Add oil if it needs some, do not put any more than needed for fear of blocking the jets of the carburetor (hypercholesterolemy and infarction).

While having fun and extrapolating, we could prolong the comparison at will: additives (medications), acceleration and braking (will), old generator replaced today by alternator (rest and recovery), regulator (anxiolytic and antidepressor), oil changes (hepatic drainage), change of parts (organ transplants), cruise control (speed, lifestyle rhythm), dings removal (skin grafts), body work (plastic surgery), windshield wipers (eyelids), kick down (suprarenal gland), horn (voice, women’s organ of predilection... !), windshield (clear glasses), front bumper (arms and hands), rear bumpers (buttocks), paint (make-up, suntan room, skin color), small touch-ups (lipstick, foundation, eyelid make-up), camouflage (hair coloring), headlights (pupil’s accommodation to darkness), fog lights (dark glasses), mechanical repairs (surgery), rear-view mirror (glance on former lifestyle, examination of conscience), roof (skull dome), sunroof (Crown Chackra), checking of the dials, temperature, oil pressure (thermometer, sphygmomanometer) etc., ad infinitum.

This marvelous body, of which it is necessary to be conscious and grateful, "manufactured" from 60,000 billion cells, contains, only in its blood, 22 billion cells, each one containing millions of molecules each oscillating 10 million times per second.

God alone could create such a wonder, the most extraordinary of all!



The medications (additives and minor repairs) are there only to correct a situation (the disease) deteriorated by a lack of care to this marvelous car that is the human body. There comes a time when your car needs more than a simple check-up, a tune-up or a realignment. You neglected it so much, there are so many important repairs that are essential, your engine is knocking (palpitations), it heats up (rise in temperature), the valves (cardiac) are noisy, the alternator does not charge any more (nervous breakdown), the filters are so clogged up that your car is on the verge of letting you down at the next curve (infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, paralysis, hepatic or nephritic colics, massive hemorrhage). You imprudently unscrewed the indicator lamp that came up on the instrument panel reporting to you there was danger.

The mechanic, like the doctor, who repeatedly sees you returning with your "load" of problems and scrap metal, does not really know any more where to start. He does what is needed the most, checks the brakes, adds oil, antifreeze, changes a tire, recharges the battery, changes a few spark plugs (it is rather difficult in your case...), checks the points to allow you to make this urgent trip.

Dissatisfied with yourself, dragging your carcass, this is the right word; you see one problem necessarily bring another one. It is the state of intoxication. Your emunctory (excrement) organs are exhausted. They cannot play their role any more. They allow too many toxins into your blood.



If we observe the animals in nature, it is not rare to see dogs in the spring gorge themselves with tender grass to the point of vomiting and emptying themselves, or domestic cats devour indoor plants with the same goal: it is the big spring cleaning.

Here the detoxification does not have the usual meaning we give it when we talk about drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, inhaled toxic substances, although it excels in all these cases.

Because our problems are born from a malfunctioning of our purification system, it is necessary to start logically by cleaning the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, and improving blood circulation.

It is a little comparable to the mechanic who cleans the engine parts before checking them and restoring their proper operation.

It is the first and the most significant part of the treatment. In my opinion, we must give credit to detoxification for approximately 55% of the obtained success. This therapy unique in the world is the most powerful, the fastest there is: it reaches in a few days what several weeks of diet and fast cannot bring to detoxification.

Concerning the intestines, it initially involves a purge (laxative) the day before, and a special enema in the morning of each of the two Major Treatments. Before filling up the tank, it is necessary to empty it. It makes sense.

It is supplemented by all the medications stimulating the functions of elimination of the other filters: liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and the entire circulatory system. It comprises cholagogues, choleretics, urinary and respiratory antiseptics, mucolytics, and vasodilators to cite only a few. These medications are selected in partnership with those of the second part of the treatment, which is the curative part of the disease or pathologies in question.

Moreover, we use only useful doses, i.e. the smallest possible dose, potentiated by insulin, of medication likely to produce the maximum effect.



After a complete anamnesis (a preliminary case history of a medical patient) of personal and hereditary antecedents, facts surrounding birth, childhood diseases, personal allergies, traumas incurred, operations performed, previous hospitalizations, we make an in depth study of nutrition practices, lifestyle, work environment, work and leisure activities, under what conditions the disease appeared, its evolution, diagnoses made, treatments received, results obtained, consultations with specialists, and current symptoms, surgical operations, in spite of and since medication was prescribed.

Next we subject the patient, to a managed and very thorough symptomatologic questionnaire of all the systems: eyes, nose, throat, ears, breathing apparatus, cardiovascular, digestive, genito-urinary, nervous, locomotor, endocrine. We question and question again. Sometimes, the patient is loquacious; sometimes he is stingy with his information. The questionnaire is our principal working tool. We go on a fishing expedition. Sometimes the patient drops a casual word, provides in his eyes unimportant information, but extremely invaluable to the doctor. This is what we are looking for: Bench marks, and details that put us on the right track.

Then, we carry out the most complete possible physical examination from head-to-toe. Certain details of observation that sometimes too many doctors neglect, oftentimes tell us more than the questionnaire. It occasionally happened to me to enumerate to a patient I was seeing for the first time, the majority of her problems and her symptoms, before she opened her mouth and that, to her great astonishment: it was by deduction of precise observations which usually do not lie. See section: But who told you that? (p. 48).

Regarding Insulin-Cellular Therapy, the smallest details have sometimes a great importance because they put us on a new track or confirm the possible diagnosis, for example, skin too greasy or too dry, nails brittle or striated (ribbed), deformed fingers, teeth gone, white tongue, yellowish cornea, cholesteatomas on the eyelids, cold extremities, edema, the presence of varices or hemorrhoids, and a colon painful to palpation. It is a question of interpreting the symptoms regarding the complete physical examination of all the systems, which can also include a rectal examination, and a gynecological examination.

Lastly, the examination of previous files obtained with the patient’s authorization, laboratory tests, electrocardiograms, recent or old radiographs, consultations with specialists or all other significant data usually conclude the general study of the subject.

If it appears to be an unusual case and if a consultation can enlighten me, I seek the specialists who can help me. Nothing is done lightly and my files are there to prove it. I have never taken an ICT case lightly, taking the seriousness and the time necessary without taking myself too seriously... .

Such an examination usually takes me from two to four hours. I make a selection of the cases. The majority have made the round of the general practitioners, specialists, clinics, some hospitals and ended up with the same problems after a number of repeated identical examinations and a considerable number of prescriptions, with their "load" of problems on their back.

A young lady in her twenties provided me with a list of almost 90 doctors and of 10 specialists she had consulted, with a whole stack of prescriptions. She came to me with her boyfriend: they had both signed a pact of suicide, which I saved in the file. I was her last chance, their last chance... . They are very happy now.



Preparation of the therapy chart and treatment.

I was surprised to note how different chronic diseases can have the same origin. They often have similar consequences. When the file is completed, the diagnoses are listed by order of importance and the therapy chart is prepared according to the patient’s needs. We must take into consideration all the diagnostic elements and combine the best assets of modern medicine. This means that each treatment is a treatment especially prepared for the patient, at the present moment, like a custom made dress. It takes into account the "terrain" and all the factors who can modify it: weight, age, sex, blood pressure, allergies, intolerance, respiratory system, circulatory, genito-urinary, nervous, locomotor and cardio-renal, previous and current diseases, hereditary tares (problems), disease evolution, previous treatments, implications on the different organs one upon the other.

Preparation of the therapy chart, i.e. the choice of the medications, their dosages and ways of administration, takes sometimes several hours, and is not done lightly. I have already spent more than thirty hours to study only one case of rebellious cephalgia (see neurology diseases, case # 10). There are no ready-made treatments indexed in advance for such and such disease.

We are following a technique, which guides us in the preparation and the choice of medications. Chronic diseases very seldom occur in the form of isolated diseases. They are usually associated with other morbid conditions that are also the fruit of an abnormal functioning of the organism. In other words, the various systems of our organism have interdependence one on the other, and an initial disorder with an organ can generate another problem elsewhere.



In fact, I have applied it only in a very small percentage of my practice, and still with much understanding, prudence, attention, and circumspection.

It is only in exceptional cases where I considered it my duty to intervene, for example: in chronic cases where conventional medicine has reached a ceiling between relief and symptomatic treatment and was acknowledged powerless; among patients having made the round of specialists, of orthodox medicine or not, conventional or alternative; in irremediable cases who were abandoned or who had capitulated to failure; in complex cases where one would be lost facing a multitude of diagnoses. These were the most enthralling cases that I adored to solve (see: first patient in Quebec and migraines & cephalgias, case # 10).

There was always something to do, and I will prove it to you in my presentation of the cases. It is in exceptional cases that I have proceeded in this way, considering that it is always possible to add to current knowledge and to the results already obtained.

All my files, more than 90%, show sharp improvement, usually countersigned by the patient. These are convincing results whose value does not rest on a naive but conscious belief and can be vouched for. They reflect the plain truth and speak for themselves.

This therapy sometimes brings a very marked improvement in a very short time. Unfortunately, the patient feels too well, and begins right away to cheat, which explains a certain percentage of failure. As soon as he is back home he quickly puts aside his hypotoxic and hypolipid regimen, neglects his diet, allows himself some little abuses and returns to his old way of life. Well! He says: I’ll take another cure! It is a little like the obese who just lost 45 lb. Delighted, he starts eating again!

Depending on the gravity of the case and the time it took for the disease to settle in, he should watch himself for months, years, his whole life according to his family’s diathesis (predisposition), his own tendencies etc., as already mentioned.

The remission of a significant group of symptoms quickly appears in any disease according to the concomitance (coexistence) of other problems. The respiratory and circulatory problems are the first to retreat facing the orchestrated offensive of ICT. In my opinion, it is a technique able to fight advantageously against several diseases at the same time.

< Continue to Part 6 >


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