Treatment of Parasite infections with IPT
There is a case of trichomoniasis (protozoan infection) of the vagina,
treated successfully with IPT, described in the book by Drs. Perez Garcia 1 and 2, Cellular
Cancer Therapy (case 23).
As it is for viral and bacterial infections, IPT
may be a
superior method for rapid and effective treatment of parasite infections. Perhaps
it will help us fight drug resistance in these organisms.
Probably the most widespread parasite infection in the world
today is malaria. This potential application of
IPT is so
important that it has its own page.
Toxoplasma, another protozoan
infection, is common in people with compromised immune systems, such as those
with HIV/AIDS. Perhaps IPT will be found to be a better treatment for this
opportunistic infection.
There are probably insulin-like
receptors on the cells of parasitic worms, but probably not on single-celled
protozoan parasites. Whether or not insulin will bind to these sites could
be determined in the lab. If so, it could be a mechanism for introducing
larger amounts of toxic drugs into the parasitic worms.