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        Having IPT to offer to the world, and knowing, as well as I do, the IPT doctors, the theory, and the reported results, I feel like I am one of the richest people alive today.   What philanthropist would not be overjoyed to present a possible better medical treatment for cancer and infections and arthritis to the world?  With a few taps on my keyboard and  my touchpad,  and a lot of spins of my server's hard drive, I can make this information available to a world which needs and craves it.  But neither the IPT doctors nor I can take much more action than that without more financial resources.  No research, no laboratories, no painstaking translation of precious old papers and manuscripts, no training of doctors, no treatment of patients.

        To me, this is one of the greatest philanthropic opportunities that has ever existed.   Instead of just funding medical research in general, or research on just one disease, here is an opportunity to fund research on one very promising medical technique which could revolutionize treatment of many different diseases.   Although it is still unproven and essentially unknown to the world, IPT is supported by more than 130 doctor-years of experience over more than seven decades of daily medical practice.  So the risk of failure appears to be very small.

        Think of the immense pain and suffering that could be relieved, not just once, but for all time to come, with a small amount of funding now for IPT research and training.   If IPT plays out,  it could mean rapid availability of side-effect-free breast-sparing treatment for breast cancer.  It could mean routine treatment of otherwise incurable diseases.   It could mean tremendous cost savings for medical providers at all levels.  It could mean low-cost effective treatment for many serious diseases in the developing regions.   It could mean a powerful tool in the battle against the growing worldwide epidemic of infectious diseases.  It could help lift many of the age-old fears of humanity, freeing much of our energy for higher pursuits.

       I am looking for a lead philanthropist, or maybe more than one,  to help get the IPT ball rolling.  Desirable qualities are:  deep pockets, name recognition, high-level social and political and media connections, global vision, humanitarian purpose, demonstrated ability to get a big job done, enough humility, and a big heart.

       I am also looking for a lead foundation, or maybe more than one, to join forces with the lead philanthropist(s) on this IPT project.  Desired qualities are:  medical orientation, deep pockets, name recognition, good connections, global vision, humanitarian purpose, demonstrated ability to get a big job done, and corporate humility and heart.   There is plenty of work to be done here.  And the potential rewards are great.

        IPT could bring value to the separate focuses of many nonprofit organizations that already exist.  Organizations that deal with each of the diseases that IPT could help:  lung, heart, cancer, paralysis, allergy, hepatitis, AIDS, and many more. The ripples from IPTQ.org could reach all of them.  Yes, IPT research could be funded and undertaken by each separately, and people could give gifts earmarked for IPT research to the organizations of their choice.  But such a scattering of effort could lose the unifying vision of overall health and healing that IPT brings.  

         IPT deserves a nonprofit organization of its own, to maintain this overall vision, and to coordinate IPT discoveries and developments, research and training, in all the different fields of medicine, around the world.  With the right lead philanthropist(s) and/or lead foundation(s), this can indeed be done successfully.   It would be premature to start such an operation until such leads become involved.  (We know this from past experience with Medical Renaissance Foundation.) We could have US headquarters  in  Palo Alto/San Francisco, or La Jolla/Diego.  Perhaps we could call it the IPTQ Foundation.

        There are plenty of people alive today who are ideally suited for bringing this IPT project to fruition.  For some reason, it seems to be my role to create some sparks to light the tinder.  While I do have other interests as well, I would like very much to stay involved with the evolution of IPT.  As a friend to the founding IPT doctors and to other people who join in.  Perhaps as a board member or director of a new IPT research and training foundation.  And yes, as webhost of IPTQ, until this thing catches fire.

 Of foundations that have medical interests, there are too many  to count.   Just to get us thinking, here is a small selection, in no particular order, of large foundations that look well suited to support global IPT research.

Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, and Lilly Endowment, Inc.   These foundations distribute funds that derive in substantial part from the sale of insulin worldwide.   Would it not seem appropriate for some of this wealth to support IPT research, training, and implementation?  The foundation could distribute insulin (including Humalog (tm), currently the favorite fast-acting insulin  for IPT) and other Lilly products packaged for IPT treatments in developing regions.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  He turned me down in 1988.  But I would love to give the world's richest private citizen a second (or even a third) chance to support IPT research and implementation.  This could fit neatly into the foundation's Global Health initiatives.  [Our request was turned down again.]

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  A broad initiative to research IPT could fit well within the scope of this foundation's interest in healthcare.

Milken Family Foundation.  Michael Milken's foundation takes a major interest in medical research, especially prostate cancer and epilepsy.  Mr. Milken gave a talk recently in San Francisco where he quoted a value for the elimination of AIDS as $7 trillion, and for the elimination of cancer as $46 trillion.  Most certainly  he will be able to recognize the dollar and human value of IPT. [No reply to emails.]

Howard Hughes Medical Institute.    Money from the estate of one of the richest recluses in the world.  In his last days, Mr. Hughes himself probably could have benefited from IPT treatments.  This foundation supports a huge amount of biomedical research, much of it in fields relevant to IPT.

David and Lucille Packard Foundation.   I would love to see them support a comprehensive IPT research program for children at the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.  Children certainly deserve the gentler, more effective treatments that IPT promises to provide.

         If you know a philanthropist, please send him or her an email about IPTQ.org.   Interested philanthropists and foundations may contact me at CDIPTQ@IPTQ.com

        Thank you.            -- Chris Duffield PhD,  IPTQ.org webhost


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