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        Governments around the world support much medical research and much of the delivery of medical  care.  If IPT is to become properly researched and widely available, governments will need to become involved.  And government, even in the most repressive states, is a fundamentally political process, sensitive to the consciousness and desires of the people within the system, and the opinions of people in other countries around the world.  So if IPT is to fulfill its potential, politics will need to become involved.

        Since IPTQ.com is based in the US, we know its system best, and restrict our discussion to this country, for now.  People in other countries will see how these ideas apply in their own situation.


        In the United States of America, government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people.  We all learn this in school.  We also learn that government is always, at least publicly, trying to give better services, and trying to save money, and that it is always, always, trying to look good.  "Special interests", groups with self-serving financial interests, may have a strong influence over things that are not in the glare of public attention.  But they tend to shrink away, and the politicians who run the government tend to listen very well and take quick action, when enough people are watching, when there is enough publicity, when there is a large scale public demand and outcry.

        Here is IPT.  It looks like it may be a better treatment for many different diseases.  It looks like it may work faster  and cost less than other therapies.  Which means that  it could provide better results and a better experience of life for millions and millions of people, not just in one country, but around the world.   It could provide huge long-term financial benefits and savings, not just to many private special interests, but also to the government itself.  And perhaps most important of all, the IPT story, if it has a happy prognosis,  a happy ending, or perhaps even better, a happy and long continuation, will look very, very good... Around the world.

        Conclusion:    IPT appears to be a good candidate for government support.  

       We don't want to make IPT a political football, as it is a serious medical innovation that looks very promising, could be adopted very quickly, and needs a lot of research.

        But in a way, it can't help but become a political concern, requiring political awareness and support. 

        We are in a sensitive window of time in which IPT is just a seed.  It is very small at the moment.  Few people know about it.  Few patients have experienced it.  Few doctors know how to practice it, or even know it exists.

        There are also a few special interest groups who could face short-term losses if IPT succeeds, and who might seek to delay or prevent such an outcome.  At the same time, the huge mass of humanity, along with other special interest groups, would benefit tremendously if IPT proves valid.

        And much of the research, when it is funded, will be funded by the US federal government, probably through the National Institutes of Health, which cannot help but be sensitive to political influences.

        Could there be a more favorable goal than to support such an initiative, for any political party, or for any politician? 

        You people in other countries can see your own national parallels.

        My great-grandfather, Selim Franklin, founded the University of Arizona in 1885 by giving a rousing speech to Arizona's 13th Territorial Legislature on the last day of their session.   He told them that they had become known as the "thieving 13th", that they had become known for drinking and gambling, that they had proven themselves to be "contemptible and corrupted characters".  BUT, he offered, if they would just perform one positive action, and establish the University in the city of Tucson, all their errors and failings would be forgotten in the dust of history, and they would long be remembered for this "one good deed".   They all cheered, long and loudly, and gave him and Tucson their prize.

        This probably wouldn't apply to today's politicians.  But funding an IPT research and treatment initiative would truly be "one good deed".


 In the United States of America, it has never been easier to register your opinions.  Emails, phone calls, and letters to elected representatives and to political candidates really do count.  Besides sending an email to all your friends about IPT and IPTQ.com,  you can also send email to the people who represent you.  Here are links to help you do that:

People in many other countries can find email links for their own governments, representatives, and leaders.


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