Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's)
The first disease treated with IPT was a sexually transmitted disease -- syphilis
in its final horrible stage, tertiary syphilis, neurosyphilis with symptoms of
dementia and paralysis, leading to death. Syphilis was the AIDS of
the time, before the advent of antibiotics. In its early stages it could be
controlled and sometimes cured with very toxic heavy metal drugs. But in
its late stage, it was considered essentially incurable, a death sentence.
[Alan Dove,
polio researcher,
told me that there actually did exist one pre-penicillin treatment for tertiary
syphilis -- giving the patient malaria prophylactically. Today, June 1,
2000 I had a very interesting meeting with Stanford molecular pharmacology
professor emeritus Tag Mansour. Among other things, he gave me more
details about malaria infection (apparently Plasmodium vivax, a less
harmful species) being given as a treatment for neurosyphilis patients.
The way it worked was not well understood. Perhaps immune stimulation.
At any rate, it worked well in most patients, except for a few of African
descent. This is how the resistance to malaria of people with sickle cell
anemia was discovered...]
Into this stage stepped Dr. Perez Garcia 1,
who demonstrated in 1928 that using insulin along with heavy metal drugs, he
could cure tertiary syphilis and return dying people to health, with no
lasting side effects. This was a dramatic and heroic act, on the
scale of the work of Pasteur or Salk. He gained acclaim in Mexico, and toured
US hospitals and military bases demonstrating it. From May,
1937 to June, 1938, he successfully treated almost 600 neurological
patients, most with neurosyphilis. He got a US
patent for his method in 1939, and appeared in Time
Magazine in 1944. And then he was erased from the fickle pages of
history with the tumult of World War II, the loss of power by the military party
in Mexico, and the advent of antibiotics.
When it is scanned and translated, you will be able to read what
Dr. Perez Garcia 1 wrote about his treatment for syphilis in his 1953 book Cellular Therapy.
He had even incorporated antibiotics into his IPT protocol for syphilis by then,
probably with faster results than with antibiotics alone. But his moment
of fame and glory was over.
In 1987, Drs Perez Garcia 2 and 3 tried IPT for two patients with the AIDS of
our day, HIV/AIDS itself. In both cases, all symptoms went away quickly
and dramatically, and one patient's HIV tests became negative. We tried
valiantly and futilely to get someone to take notice. For more on AIDS and
IPT, go to the HIV/AIDS page.
Hepatitis is often transmitted through sexual contact. IPT has
successfully treated hepatitis, including hepatitis C. See the Hepatitis
Before AIDS appeared, herpes was the bane of the unprotected sex scene
in the US of the 60s and 70s. IPT has successfully treated different forms
of herpes. See the Herpes page.
Here is a link to a case of acute
gonorrhea salpingitis (pelvic inflammatory disease) successfully treated with three IPT treatments, as detailed in the
1992 patent.
A case of trichomoniasis (a
protozoan infection) accompanying cervical cancer is described in Cellular
Cancer Therapy (case #23), not yet scanned
I do not know of any cases of other STDs treated with IPT -- human
papilloma virus (HPV or genital warts, often leading to cervical
cancer) and Chlamydia trachomatis among them, But based on IPT's record
of rapid and successful treatment of other infections, I suspect that it will
work for these, too. Some diseases, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and
chlamydia, are routinely treated with antibiotics alone. But IPT could be used to treat them more quickly and thoroughly. Herpes and HPV symptoms are treated symptomatically, but
often return chronically. IPT, with its better delivery of drugs into every
tissue, offers hope of eradicating them from the body completely.