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IPT Fact Sheet

bulletWhat it is:  Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) is a simple medical procedure that uses the hormone insulin, followed by glucose, to make a wide variety of drugs work more effectively, in smaller doses, with reduced or no side effects.   Other insulin-related mechanisms (e.g. detoxification, immune stimulation, angiogenesis) may also be involved.

bulletThe procedure:  An intravenous line with saline drip is hooked up to the patient.  A small amount of insulin is given intravenously.  Between 5 to 15 minutes later, oral and intramuscular drugs are administered.  About 25-40 minutes after insulin, mild hypoglycemic symptoms develop.  At this point, intravenous drugs are given, followed by intravenous glucose and a sweet drink.  Treatment is repeated at intervals of 2 to 21 days.  
A PowerPoint slide show demonstrating the IPT method, by Dr. Perez Garcia 3.

bulletHow it works:  Insulin is known to increase cell membrane permeability, and to assist transport of glucose, electrolytes, and many other compounds into cells and across the blood-brain barrier.  Other mechanisms and properties of insulin may also participate in the process of IPT:  blood chemistry changes, selective targeting of cancer tumors, angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels), immune system stimulation and balancing, stimulation of neuron growth and myelination, etc.  More research is needed to understand how IPT works.

bulletWhat it treats:  In more than 130 doctor-years over seven decades, IPT has been reported to be very successful in treatment of many types of cancer, arthritis and related rheumatic syndromes, infectious, cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases.  Some successes have been reported for diseases for which standard treatments are difficult or rarely successful:  pancreatic cancer, multiple sclerosis, paralysis after stroke.  IPT doctors have found IPT to be a way to get better results faster, using much smaller drug doses (1/2 to 1/20), and with side effects greatly reduced or eliminated.   As an example, numerous reported cases of breast cancer have been treated using very low-dose  IPT chemotherapy, without surgery, radiation, or side effects.  The field of medicine most likely to adopt IPT first is cancer chemotherapy, because intravenous systems are already used, and only a slight modification of procedure is needed.

bulletWhen and how it was discovered:  Donato Perez Garcia, MD, who later became the highest-ranked military doctor in Mexico, read about newly-invented insulin and injected himself in 1926 with small amounts to see if it would help him gain weight and improve his health.  It did.  Observing that insulin seemed to be increasing permeability of cells throughout the body, he tested for increased absorption of heavy metal drugs into the nervous system of a number of dogs.  It worked.  He then (1928) tried insulin potentiation for treatment of tertiary neurosyphilis, a deadly and feared scourge of the time, essentially untreatable before antibiotics.  His treatment was spectacularly successful.  Over the following 40 years he improved the technique and applied it to a wide variety of other diseases.  He treated cancer with IPT for the first time in 1945.

bulletWho practices and has practiced IPT:

Deceased IPT pioneers:

Donato Perez Garcia MD 1 (1896-1971), discoverer of IPT, practiced it for 43 years in Mexico City, and demonstrated it many times on several tours through the United States.

Donato Perez Garcia y Bellon MD 2 (1930-2000), son of Dr. Perez Garcia 1, practiced IPT for 44 years in Mexico City.  He died on November 23, 2000, Thanksgiving Day in the US.

Jean-Claude Paquette MD (1927-1995), met Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2 in 1976, and practiced IPT for 16 years in Canada and Haiti.

Practicing IPT today:

Donato Perez Garcia MD 3 (1958--), son of Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2, has practiced IPT for 17 years in Mexico City and Tijuana, Baja California.  Now the reigning master of IPT.

SGA MD (1945--), met Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2 and documented his practice in 1975.  Dr. SGA has practiced IPT in the Chicago area since 1997, and over the last quarter century has written and co-written published papers and conference presentations about IPT, especially for cancer treatment.

Other doctors are learning and beginning to apply the IPT technique.  Today there are almost 30 doctors in total practicing IPT, in five countries.

bulletEfforts to date to promote IPT research and application: 
  1. The Drs. Donato Perez Garcia have kept IPT alive and evolving in their private practice for seven decades.  
  2. Dr. Paquette showed that IPT could be taught, and could be applied successfully outside Mexico. 
  3.  Dr. SGA has spent 25 years being a scientific liaison for IPT, publishing and presenting papers about IPT, and has more recently has begun to practice IPT for treatment of cancer. 
  4. Chris Duffield, IPTQ.org webhost became involved with IPT in 1986, helping research and promotion efforts, and helping write two IPT patents.
  5. Dr. Perez Garcia 3 put the first IPT web page on the Internet in 1996.
  6. IPTQ.com (now IPTQ.org) went online July 31, 1999.  
  7. Dr. Perez Garcia, Dr. SGA, and Ross Hauser MD presented their best cancer cases to the NIH Cancer Advisory Panel for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Bethesda MD on September 18, 2000.
  8. Public launch of IPTQ.org in December and January, 2000

bulletIPTQ.org facts:

Created by Chris Duffield PhD, webhost

First online as IPTQ.com on July 31, 1999

More than 9000 visitor hits.

More than 250 html web pages

Other addresses that work for this site are IPTQ.com and IPTQ.net

bulletFor further information, contact Chris Duffield PhD, IPTQ.org webhost. Email:  CDIPTQ@IPTQ.com     


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