Cellular Cancer Therapy, part 12 CHAPTER 13: THE PRACTICE OF DONATIAN THERAPY The Use of Insulin in Donatian Therapy If applied IM, insulin should be combined with 2 1/2 cc vitamin B complex. When utilized IV, it should be combined with 2 1/2 cc glucose serum, half and half, with 250 mg Vitamin C and 2 1/2 cc bidistilled water. It is only applied subcutaneously at the same time as the medications are applied IM. This technique is used only with very delicate patients. The IV technique necessitates more experience on the part of the physician as well as the nursing staff, since the hypoglycemic symptoms are produced more quickly and intensely with this technique than via IM. The average time lapse until presentation of hypoglycemic symptoms is 35 minutes, when applied IV. When applied IM, this period is between 35 minutes and 2 hours, though of course this depends on the number of units that are administered. Primary treatment (first and second phases) The primary therapeutic objective of Donatian Therapy is the detoxification of the cancer patient’s body. This is achieved through the use of medications that act synergistically with the effects of insulin on the organism, promoting conjugation and transport and accelerating the excretion of waste products. The elements of this primary treatment are:
The disease—specific medications, in this case the cytostatic that experience indicates is most effective, the tumor—specific medications and combinations that are more actively curative, are what make up this stage of treatment. Also administered are those medications that increase blood flow and elimination via the renal, hepatobiliar and digestive systems. These include vasodilators, coenzymes (vitamins), choleretics, cholagogues, diuretics, and smooth muscle stimulants.
How to calculate dosage In Donatian Therapy For easier understanding of why different medications are administered, we can divide them into two main groupings: The first and most important includes:
In the second group we have:
Treatment is carried out with the patient as an outpatient; he spends 6 hours at the clinic on the day he is treated and returns home. Every 8 days the treatment is repeated and the number of them will depend on the diagnosis, the goals of the treatment (cure, palliation, rehabilitation) and the individual’s clinical response. The interval between’ treatments is fixed at 8 days because experience has shown us that the effects of treatment begin to disappear on the ninth or tenth day. As the patient’s state betters with treatment’, this interval can gradually be increased, a week at a time, Once the patient has been able to go for three weeks without showing symptoms of recurrence, he is considered cured but under observation, and for a year he returns for follow-up examinations every three months. If after one year the patient has shown no more symptoms, then he is considered cured. In cases of cancer, certain acute ailments can be cured with one session; of treatment, as occurs with’ viral and bacterial diseases associated with neoplasias. In this phase, medications are given that treat the particular pathogenic process. The conditions of greater endosmosis produced by the injection of insulin, and the hypertonic glucose solution, foster the diffusion of the medication in the intracellular liquid. The selection of medications to be used in secondary treatment is determined by the diagnosis and the standard treatment indicated for it. With a correct diagnosis and precise treatment, patients feel the benefits of the treatment the day after administration, If this does riot occur, it indicates that the details of treatment should be re—evaluated. Any set of circumstances that has, in the life of an individual, led to the development of a particular disease can cause its return after the supposed cure, unless these circumstances are eliminated. This consideration is basic to any treatment. With Donatian therapy, the patient’s physical condition is bettered immediately through the combination of physico—chemical modifications that act synergistically with the medications administered. Afterwards, these changes are maintained to make them permanent, so that the benefits of the treatment can have definitive results. This is the goal of tertiary treatment. These goals are reached through a program of preventive medicine, which is based on excellent nutrition: protein-rich food, vitamins, oligo-elements when indicated; large quantities of pure water, fresh air, exercise, adequate rest, and a good mental attitude.
Example of a Specific Treatment Regimen 9:00 AM. The patient arrives at the clinic with a sample of his first morning urine. Blood is taken for any necessary tests. 9:15 AM. The patient, in lateral decubitus, is given an enema with a mixture of cathartics, and an IM injection. 11:00 AM. Having given the patient enough time to defecate, he is either given a dose of 20 U insulin with 50% glucose solution, with 250 mg of Vitamin C plus 2.5 cc bidistilled water very slowly via IV, or a dose of 40 U/ml of insulin with 0.5 ml Vitamin B complex in the same syringe, IM. It should be remembered that IV application should only be used when the physician has ample experience with the time and intensity of the symptoms that appear. The patient is instructed as to the hypoglycemic symptoms that will appear and about the stage in which he should ask for his medications. The symptoms should begin to appear after about 30 minutes, and the moment for administering the medications 20—30 minutes after that. 12:00 noon. The medications are administered, first orally, then IM, and finally IV in a 5% glucose solution until all the signs of hypoglycemia recede; otherwise use hypertonic glucose at 50%. Thirty minutes after administration of all the medications, 7 cc of blood should be taken and centrifuged to separate the serum from the plasma. The serum is mixed with 1 U insulin, 1 U Alin, 1 U Allercur, and 1 U Genoxal (or other cytostatic). This mixture is applied subcutaneously around the tumor, at points where there is pain, or in the area of tumoration. We call this the vaccine, because it acts as one. We have also applied the vaccine at points on the acupuncture medians. 12:30 to 3 PM. The patient rests, eating honey or drinking tea sweetened with honey. Most patients sleep during this period. We have recently begun experimentation with what we call HIG (Hemo-immuno-globulin), but have no conclusive results to offer as of yet. This innovation has especially been useful in patients who have: 1) undergone surgical intervention, 2) had radiation therapy or 3) not undergone any conventional treatment but are in the final stages of the disease, in very serious condition. The administration of HIG is as follows: 1) The donor should be of the same blood type as the patient. 2) Both should be cross-checked for problems of incompatibility.
If all tests are negative, the procedure continues in this way: The donor presents himself at the clinic without having had breakfast and is given Donatian therapy. The medications that will be used are: antitoxins, reticulo-endothelial system stimulants, vitamins, and oxygen therapy. After administering Donatian therapy, an hour should elapse, and 150 to 200 cc of blood taken from the donor. The patient should be given phase 3 of the treatment. We think that in the blood of a person who does not have cancer a multitude of chemical substances are present that the cancer patient does not have, does not produce in sufficient quantities, or produces in excess. The cancer patient cannot defend himself from the disease for lack of the proper immunity. By utilizing the organism of the donor as a laboratory sui generis, his blood is better prepared since with Donatian therapy the appropriate medications stimulate all of the natural defense mechanisms and once the appropriate biophysicochemical conditions are obtained in the donor’s blood, it is given to the cancer patient. We have initial indications that this form of treatment can be beneficial, but stress that we have but begun to experiment with it. 3:00 PM. The patient is released, accompanied by a friend or member of the family, with the following suggestions:
Due to the importance of the elimination of waste products by the digestive system, we emphasize that the patient needs to regularize his defecations, avoiding carbohydrates (especially white bread) and incorporating daily doses of high fiber-content foods (wheat germ, wheat bran, etc.). The evening previous to the day of treatment, the patient should take a laxative, and the next morning he is given an enema of 1 liter of water with 10 g sodium sulfate and 10 g sodium bicarbonate. These salts act as irritants of the mucous membrane of the colon and stimulate more complete defecation, for the first treatment. In subsequent treatments, the enema should be prepared with 1 tablespoon of Hojasen and 1 tablespoon of linseed oil in 1 liter of water. After the enema the patient should receive an IM injection with the following composition:
The combination of the saline enema and the cathartic mixture applied IM should be given to all patients on the occasion of their first treatment, except those with appendicitis or acute peritoneal pain. After several treatments, the patient may complain of irritation of the colon because of the enema, which should then be discontinued. If the patient continues to complain, the IM injection should be reduced to 0.25 ml of each ingredient or eliminated completely. In patients with grave hypertension, the injection should also be eliminated; in those with slight hypertension, the reduced dose should be used. Patients with angiosclerotic cardiopathy should also not receive the injection. In children, only 250 ml of water is used, without the salts and without the IM cathartic. The volume of water should be varied according to the age of the child. After the age of 10, the IM cathartic can be introduced, but with the reduced dosage. Patients 16-18 years old can receive the same treatment as described above for adults. In menstruating women, the Pitocin should be eliminated from the IM cathartic. The use of insulin in Donatian Therapy Types and doses of insulin. Except in those patients with diabetes, fast acting crystalline insulin (40 U/ml) is always used. If injected IM, with 0.5 ml vitamin B complex solution, or via IV, as explained above. The doses of insulin for inducing hypoglycemia in Donatian therapy are calculated from the body weight of patients without complications, by the following formula:
Experience has shown that with vegetarian patients, this dosage can be reduced by 5 more units. As a rule of thumb, the minimal dose that achieves the maximal effects should be used. For this, experience is very important. The rule above does not apply to children. Instead, we use this table:
These doses are very conservative, safe guides. Clinical experience is the best orientation in this kind of therapy. A typical patient will notice the onset of symptoms of hypoglycemia 30 minutes after having received his dose of insulin. The first to appear is hunger, then thirst and later a slight clouding of consciousness or distortion of intellectual capacity. There is also a vague sense of anxiety. Maximal hypoglycemia is attained some 25-30 minutes after onset of symptoms, though in some patients this may take as long as 2 hours. In this stage, the patient begins to sweat all over, has tachycardia, a slight tremor of the hands and there is definite clouding of consciousness. This is what we call the "therapy point." [the therapeutic moment] Not all patients experience all of the symptoms at every session. It is Important that the patients be advised so that they know what to expect with this part of the treatment. The patient’s reaction to insulin should be evaluated and registered as to whether it is bad, slight, or excessive. A bad reaction is one in which the patient feels nothing; a slight reaction is one in which the described symptoms appear but only after a 2-hour period. An excessive reaction is one in which the patient shows all of the symptoms described, and in general they are much more accentuated and begin more rapidly. The key here is the onset of clouding of consciousness; patients should never lose their sense of orientation in normal treatment. Administration of medications and termination of the hypoglycemic reaction The point of maximal hypoglycemia is called the therapy point. There is no exact measure of the latency between the injection and the therapy point. This term means the state at which the patient is in ideal metabolic conditions to assimilate the specific medications and for the change in the physicochemical parameters necessary for cure. At the therapy point the medication is administered orally with water. The IM medications, one in each syringe, are administered in the gluteal muscles. A 4 cm no. 20 needle is used. After injecting the first medication, the needle is extracted 1 cm and inserted again at a different angle, the possibility of its being in some blood vessel is checked and it is removed, upon which another is adapted for use with another medication. This procedure is repeated each time medications are administered via IM. Afterwards other medications are administered, via IV, mixed with hypertonic glucose solution at 50% in 20 ml syringes (i.e. 1-3 ml of medication is mixed with enough glucose solution to fill the 20 ml syringe). Finally, 100 ml of 50% glucose solution is administered IV to eliminate the effects of hypoglycemia. As a result of the hypoglycemia, certain adverse reactions may appear at different points during the day of treatment. These are: headaches, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, etc. They can appear during the latency period after the end of the symptoms of hypoglycemia or, usually, later in the same day, after the patient has returned home, but they are never serious. The patient should be warned of their possible occurrence, suggesting that he take aspirin for headache, antiemetic suppositories for nausea and vomiting, and rest for fatigue, assuring him that the diarrhea is part of the therapeutic process. Sometimes fatigue can last as long as two days after the treatment. The patient should be assured that this is within the range of normal reactions. Acute headache. This manifestation is rare, but important. During the IV administration of glucose in hypertonic solution, until the end of hypoglycemia, the patient may complain of occipital cephalalgia. The pain is primarily due to the passage of liquid from the interior to the exterior of the cells because of the hypertonic solution, which causes histic dehydration that assists in the maximal absorption of the medications. In the case of intense headache, IV administration should be suspended and the patient given glucose orally to end his hypoglycemic state. Cramps in the legs. This generally occurs during the period of observation between the administration of the medications and the time when the patient is released. It is a manifestation of a greater need for glucose and the patient should take more. Muscular pain. This can appear in the legs, the arms and the back. Rest is usually enough to eliminate these pains. Allergic reactions. Occasionally a patient will have an allergic reaction to insulin. This is manifested by welts, erythema and sometimes by dyspnea. These reactions will disappear with the administration, via IM, of antihistamines or aqueous adrenaline at a concentration of 1:1000 (0.5 ml subcutaneously). Bad or excessive reactions. When the patient shows little or no reaction after 2 hours, his medications should be administered orally, then by IM, and finally by IV with a little hypertonic glucose solution. The patient should be warned not to eat sweets, unless he feels the symptoms of hypoglycemia, hunger and thirst. Even in the patient that has not had hypoglycemia, there is some absorption of the medications. In the following treatment, he should be given 5 more units of insulin than before. In the case of an excessive reaction, the hypoglycemic state can be reversed immediately with IV administration of hypertonic glucose solution. This will end with the IV injection of the patient’s medications, then the IM injection of the other medications and lastly the oral administration of the rest of the indicated drugs. In the next treatment, this patient should receive 10 units less insulin. Influence of sicknesses on Donatian therapy The patient’s habitual dose of hypotensive medications should be suspended for the day of the treatment. For slightly hypertense patients, the treatment will be the same as normal except for the changes in the cathartic already mentioned. The patient should be observed especially carefully for the appearance of headaches. For the moderately hypertense, these are the suggested changes: the cathartic is administered with smaller doses, and the amount of insulin is not calculated from the body weight. These patients are simply given 10 U of insulin via IM and the rest of the medications are applied at the same time via IM. After an hour, the IV and oral medications are administered. The IV medications are administered with a 5% glucose solution as per usual. No extra 50% glucose solution is administered. In patients with malignant hypertension, the changes to be made are the following: omit the IM cathartic, apply 10 U insulin, but no IV medications. Any symptom of hypoglycemia that the patient feels will be treated with the oral administration of any sweetened liquid or solid sugar. Any excessive symptoms that are more intense than those for a slight hypoglycemia are indications that the insulin should be 5 U less for the next treatment. In patients with this disease and previous history of cardiac disturbances or congestive cardiac insufficiency, the changes made in the standard procedure are these: The IM cathartic is not administered and the patient receives a simple, pure water enema. The dose of insulin is not calculated from the body weight. The patient is given 10 U of regular insulin IM and, at the same time, all the other IM medications. After an hour has elapsed, the oral and IV medications are administered in a 5% glucose solution. The 50% glucose solution is not used. It is very important that patients with cardioangiosclerosis be treated slowly and carefully, avoiding sudden changes. It is also very important to avoid the manifestations of hypoglycemia. Therefore, if the patient begins to sweat or become anxious after having received the insulin via IM, he is given 50 ml of 50% hypertonic solution by IV. If the patient is receiving any preparation with digitalis, it should be administered together with the other medications one hour after the administration of the insulin. Only one—third of the normal dose of digitalis should be given. The patient with chronic nephropathy or chronic renal insufficiency is treated the same as those with malignant hypertension. At the same time he is given 10 U insulin with the IM medications. Any symptom of hypoglycemia calls for oral administration of glucose and a reduction by 5 U of the dose of insulin in subsequent treatments. The influence of these ailments is very significant in Donatian therapy. This is principally due to the fact that Donatian therapy involves several of the elements tied to disturbances of the endocrine system. Below is a summarized description of the modifications necessary in Donatian therapy for patients with some of the more common endocrinopathies. In hypoadrenalism the patient receives half of his normal daily medication, which is administered at the therapy point together with the medications of Donatian therapy. Patients taking several medications daily should continue normally. We have observed a very rare response in this type of patient where they begin to develop cancer when treated with Donatian therapy, just as those who have had the suprarenal glands or hypophysis removed. Patients with diabetes mellitus receive a combination of crystalline insulin and NPH insulin, to prepare them to receive the other medications and to keep the glycemia level normal for the rest of the day of the treatment. The dosage of insulin should be calculated based on the ideal body weight of the patient, not taking into account any obesity. Patients being treated with oral hypoglycemic medications will not receive this medication on the day of treatment. NPH insulin is applied to compensate for the lack of this medication. We do not have any experience with patients with insulinomas or reactive hypoglycemia. In normal circumstances, Donatian therapy does not have any harmful effects on the fetus in any stage of the pregnancy. In women with a previous history of habitual abortion, there is a possibility that the treatment provokes another abortion. The only change is the suppression of the IM cathartic. Patients undergoing menopause and subject to daily hormone treatment should receive their medications at the therapy point. Patients with multiple medications also continue as normal. In hyperthyroid patients, conventional medications for the treatment of the thyroids are given with Donatian therapy. Except in the case of pregnant women with a history of habitual abortion, there are no specific diseases which rule out the use of Donatian therapy. Cachexia, ascites, etc. indicate that the physician should weigh the benefits of Donatian therapy against the possible risks involved in the application of this treatment.
Therapeutic Schema for Maintaining the physicochemical state of cancer patients IV Reverin, 1/3; thiodirazine 1/3; Italcal Vit 2 ml; MgBr2 4 ml. IM Madribon 1/3; Genoxol 1/3; Lasix 1/3; Alin 1/3; Allercur 1/3; B complex 1/3. Oral. Boldocynara 1 teaspoon, nicotinic acid 1 capsule; Azowyntomylon 1 tablet; Thiola 1 tablet.
IV Reverin 1/3; Ripason 1/2 cc; Guayabenzo 5 cc, 1/3; Italcal Vit 4 cc; MgBr2 2cc. IM Robuden 1/3; Getarnil 1/3; Lasix 1/3; Alin 1/3; Metischol 1/3; Genoxol 1/3. Oral. Boldocynara 1 teaspoon; nicotinic acid 1 tablet; Activated charcoal 1 tablet; Anespas F 1 tablet; Colimicyn 1 tablet; Chlorostrep 1 capsule; Thiola 1 tablet. The tablets of activated charcoal are indicated only if the patient has meteorism. Anespas F is indicated when the patient has pains in digesting.
IV. Reverin 1/3; Thiderazine 1/3; Italcal VIt 2 ml; MgBr2 4 ml. IM. Reverin 1/3; Madribon 1/3; Genoxal 1/3; Lasix 1/3; Bhigatoxil 1/3; B complex 1/3. Oral. Boldcynara 1 teaspoon; nicotinic acid 1 capsule; Pluropon 1 tablet; Azowyntomylon 1 tablet; thiola 1 tablet. Experience has shown that there is a high correlation between mammary tumors and cervical or uterine tumors. Therefore in treating diseases of the mammary glands, it is recommended that the female genital system also be treated. Formula I should be applied as described above with the treatment during a week.
IM. Genoxal 1/3; Inferon 1/3; Ditrei 1/3. Oral. Thiola 1 tablet. Ayermycin (ieukomycin) is the best antibiotic to be administered IV for this disease.
IV. Reverin 1/3; Thioderzine 1/3; Italcal Vit 2 ml; MgBr2 4 ml. IM. Reverin 1/3; Madribon 1/3; Genoxal 1/3; Alin 1/3; Allercur 1/3; Lasix 1/3. Oral. Boldynara 1 teaspoon; nicotinic acid 1 capsule; Azowyntornylon 1 tablet; thiola 1 tablet. Formula I is applied as described. In patients with already advanced cervical carcinomas, it is suggested that they use cold suppositories of Formula I. This should continue throughout the week in liquid form.
IV. Reverin 1/3; Thioderazine 1/3; Italcal Vit 4 ml; MgBr2 2 ml. IM. Reverin 1/3; Raveron 1/3; Lasix 1/3; Alin 1/3; Allercur 1/3; Genoxal 1/3. Oral. Boldocynara 1 teaspoon; nicotinic acid 1 tablet; Pluropon 1 tablet; Azowyntomylon 1 tablet; Thiola 1 tablet. Formula II should also be applied.
IV. Glocuronima 1/3; Guayabenzo—C 1/3; Italcal Vit 4 ml; MgBr2 2 ml; Reverin 1/3; Thioderazine 1/3. IM. Gerernil 1/3; Robuden 1/3; Parenzyme 1/3; Lasix 1/3; B Complex 1/3; Genoxal 1/3. Oral. Boldocynara 1 teaspoon; Mucaine 1 teaspoon; Gliptide 1 tablet; Doryl 1 tablet; Quimar 1 capsule; Thiola 1 tablet.
IV. Reverin 1/3; Thioderzlne 1/3. IM. Genoxal 1/3. Oral. Buccal Quimar 1 capsule; Thiola 1 tablet. The secondary treatment is used according to the indications for the specific tissues affected. The patient should continue to take Genoxal orally, 50 mg daily, for the duration of the treatment, together with the other medications prescribed for intermediary treatment. Patients who show nausea with this dosage should discontinue the oral doses of Genoxal. In the following treatment session its IM administration is also suspended, but both may be resumed later, according to the clinical situation. For the tertiary treatment, the patient should avoid tobacco, alcohol, and the more common carcinogens (handling of tars, gasoline, benzene or anthracene derivatives, etc.), foods rich in cholesterol (eggs, fats), foods with cyclamates, and in general foods with chemical additives or canned products.
We have found that it is often useful to administer other liquids by IV in certain cases. The indications and suggested treatment are as follows: Patients in a semi-stuporous or lethargic state (after or before Donatian therapy) and with a previous history of chronic anorexia or that have acetone bodies in the urine should receive 500 ml of 5% glucose with added B complex (Beclysyl) at a rate of 70-80 drops per minute. For patients with gastric distension, but who still need a source of sugar, 500 ml of 10% glucose solution can be given at a rate of 70-80 drops per minute. Experience has also shown that patients who are nauseous after the treatment benefit from the administration of 500 ml of Ringer-lactate solution at 70-80 drops per minute. part 13 |