Cellular Cancer Therapy, part 14 Case History # 4 Malignant melanoma
Symptoms: The patient relates that 4 years ago he noticed on his left side a wart that grew slowly until reaching a size of 11 by 7 cm, with a fetid suppuration and very bad appearance. General Data BP: 120/79 Temps 36°c He has smoked since the age of 28. Examination: The lesion described by the patient is observed to be situated on the edge of the pelvis. Diagnosis: Malignant melanoma Treatment: We applied 14 sessions of Donatlan therapy, one per week. Three and a half months later the patient was released, totally cured. Case History # 5 Neuroblastoma with metastases
Symptoms: Intense pain in both eyes, more intense in the right. Previous history: The patient’s mother tells us that the disease began a year and a half ago with the appearance of several tumors on the elbow, axilla, occipital region arid around the right orbit. The tumor of the orbital region caused an intense cutting pain that resisted the effects of analgesics. The patient lost her appetite, lost quite a bit of weight, and increasing exophthalmus of the right eye appeared. The patient was taken to pediatric centers, in one of which she was given radiotherapy and released as incurable. Before radiotherapy, surgery was performed 6 times on the left arm, in the area of the elbow and axilla. Before this, 30 sessions of radiotherapy had been administered: 10 in the right occupital region, 10 in the left occipital region, and 10 in the right orbital region. Before arriving at our clinic the patient received 24 sessions of radiotherapy in the left axilla. There were a total of 6o radiotherapy sessions. Physical Exploration: Vital signs: BP 70/50 Pulse 120/min Appears to be 4 years old. Cannot walk. Is cachectic. On the head there is a tumor of the size of an orange in the right occipital region; another the size of a small lemon in the right temporoparietal region and exophthalmus of the right eye. Appears to be in pain. In the region of the elbow of the left arm, there is a 3 cm-long scar, apparently of surgical origin. In the axilla of the same arm there is a hard painful tumor the size of an apple. In the legs there is marked muscular atrophy, there is no particular or achilles tendon reflex. Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma with metastases Treatment: We applied 10 sessions of Donatian Therapy over 2 1/2 months. The patient improved noticeably, gained 4 kg and could walk again. The intense pain and tumors disappeared. Died 7 months after treatment because of a metastasis to the brain. Prognosis: The prognosis that had previously been given was of a few days of survival. Case History # 6 Basocellular carcinoma of the cervix.
Symptoms: Leukorrhea since more than a year ago. There is polymenorrhea, dysuria, and pruritus in all of the peritoneum. Continuous pain on the soles of the feet, Has lost weight. Was given the Pap test and the result was a basocellular carcinoma. Was given 42 sessions of cobalt therapy. The leukorrhea worsened and took on a fetid odor. Pollakiuria. BP 110/70. Ceased to menstruate after cobalt treatment, Gynecological examination: Ulcerated cervix, with bleeding and pain. Clean parametria. Diagnosis: Basocellular carcinoma of the cervix. Treatment: We applied 7 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. The patient was examined on March 12, 1965 and found to be clinically healthy; the cervix was free of ulceration and of exophytic development. The patient returned to her previous gynecologist at the Mexican Welfare Institute, who sent the following report:
The patient is still (I saw her at the end of 1975) in good health. Evolution of Treatment: First treatment was August 2, 1964. Main symptoms: leukorrhea, pollakiuria, vaginal bleeding. The results of the first treatment were the lessening of leukorrhea, bleeding and pain on the soles of the feet. After the second session there was a gynecological examination that showed that the cervix was no longer painful, bleeding or ulcerated; the uterus is less red, less swollen and ulceration and bleeding are less. After the fourth treatment the uterus is less painful and there is no leukorrhea, bleeding, or pollakiuria. The ulceration is less and of a different color. After the seventh treatment there is no pain in the uterus nor any exophytic development. Case History # 7 Epidermoid carcinoma
Previous History: Vaginal bleeding for the last 5 months, pain in the lower part of the abdomen, feels as if a stake was driven through the perineum. Consulted a physician who, after exploration, requested a biopsy that revealed a third degree epidermoid carcinoma. The patient’s mother died of carcinoma of the uterus. Signs: Presence of very fetid leukorrhea and moderate, though continuous, vaginal bleeding. Physical Exploration: The liver is swollen approx. 3 cm on its lower edge. There is moderate splenomegalia. The gynecological examination revealed a bleeding, ulcerating cervix with a tumor at 9 o’clock extending upwards with a shape like a cauliflower. Diagnosis: Epidermoid carcinoma. Treatment: We applied 7 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. On March 14 the patient was released as totally cured, which was ratified by the anatomopathological study annexed. Evolution of Treatment: The first treatment was on January 21, 1970. The first symptoms of the patient were vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, leukorrhea and pain in the area of the liver. The result of the first treatment was the reduction of bleeding and of the leukorrhea; the pain in the lower abdomen was also reduced. Upon gynecological exploration, the cervix was shown to have a bleeding ulceration and a tumor at 9 o’clock, both of which diminished and were not so sensitive to the touch. After the fourth treatment, the leukorrhea had almost disappeared completely, just as the vaginal bleeding and the tumor, which in the beginning was the shape of a cauliflower but now is the shape of the uterus. After the seventh and last treatment, the leukorrhea and bleeding have totally disappeared, the pain in the area of the liver has also disappeared and the gynecological exploration of the uterus shows that the ulceration and tumor have disappeared. The cervix was found to be completely healthy. Case History # 8 Infiltrating epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix.
Previous History: Subtotal hysterectomy in 1969, because of tumor. The patient has ‘oticed that since 6 months ago she has had vaginal bleeding that has become increasingly intense and periodic. There is very fetid leukorrhea, pollakiuria and burning pain in the interior of the vagina. She consulted a gynecologist who requested a biopsy. The biopsy showed an infiltrating class IV epidermoid carcinoma. Physical Exploration: The cervix is deformed, swollen and bleeding, there are ulcerations at 3 o’clock. Several larger, painful ganglia are palpated on both sides of the neck and in the supraclavicular depressions. Diagnosis: Infiltrating epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix. Treatment: We applied 9 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. Two months later, the patient was released as totally cured, as is corroborated by the annexed biopsy. Evolution of treatment: The first treatment was on November 16, 1971. The main symptoms were intense continuous bleeding, very fetid leukorrhea, pollakiuria and burning pain in the interior of the bladder and vagina. Upon physical exploration painful ganglia were palpated on both sides of the neck and in the supraclavicular depression. Vaginal exploration shows that the cervix is deformed, swollen and bleeding with an ulceration at 3 o’clock. Results of the first treatment: vaginal bleeding has diminished, as has the leukorrhea and burning pain in the bladder; the swollen lymph nodes in the neck are reduced in size and not as painful; the right supraclavicular lymph node disappeared, none of the swollen lymph nodes could be palpated or caused pain. The cervix already shows no deformity, the edema and bleeding disappeared completely and the ulceration is much smaller. After the fifth and last treatment, there are no clinical signs or symptoms upon vaginal examination; the uterus is clean and of normal shape and consistency; there is no ulceration. A cytological examination and an anatomopathological study are ordered. The cytological examination was normal, and the anatomopathological study was negative for malignant cells. The patient was released as totally cured. Case History # 9 Uterine and cervical carcinoma
Previous history: The patient tells us that a pain appeared in the lower part of the abdomen as well as a vaginal secretion which caused pruritus and pain during urination; the pain was like pin pricks. There was slight, intermittent bleeding, and though it appeared periodically, it did not coincide with her menstruation. She attributed it to sexual relations with her husband. She consulted a physician who ordered a biopsy. The biopsy revealed a mixed carcinoma of the cervix with second degree acanthoma predominating. Symptoms: Pain in the vulva, very fetid leukorrhea, intermittent periodic vaginal bleeding, considerable weight loss (approx. 8 kg), pollakiuria, dysuria, and tenesmus. BP: 172/78 Pulse: 80/min Temperature: 36.5°C Apparent age: 30. There is diffuse pain in the lower part of the abdomen. The cervix is deformed, large and painful, hard to the touch, with multiple ulcerations of irregular shape and bleeding. The enormous deviation of the cervix calls attention, and leads to the supposition that the carcinoma is intra- and extra-cervical. The uterus is angled back more than 40°. Diagnosis:
Treatment: We administered 9 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. On May 9, before finishing the treatment, vaginal exploration showed that there was no trace of the carcinoma, the cervix had recuperated its normal position, the ulceration had disappeared, and there was no more bleeding. On April 25, 1970, the Pap test was negative. A biopsy on May 12 showed there was no cancer. The uterus returned to its normal position. Description of Donatian therapy in this patien: At the end of 2 1/2 months the patient, who suffered from a uterine carcinoma with irradiation to the cervix, and transformation of the carcinoma into a second degree adenocanthoma, was cured. The first session was on March 18, 1970. Fifteen units of regular insulin were administered via IV, mixed with Chophytol., taking note of the hour (12:50). When the hypoglycemic symptoms appeared, Urovalidin tablets were administered orally, 2 tablets of Lasix, and 1 50 mg tablet of nicotinic acid, as well. At 13:30 she was given, via lM, 1 ampule of Endoxan Asta, 1 ampule of Madribon, 1 ampule of Pan-Notrin, 4 ml of Primogeston 250 mg/mi. 4 ml of Betalin and 1 ml of Inferon. At 13:45, the therapy point, 125 mg of Reverin, 3 ml of B complex, 5 mg of Acriflavin chlorhydrate, 50 mg of methylene blue, 25mg of Resorcinol and 500mg of hexamethylenetetrainine were administered. The treatment was finished with 50 ml of 50% glucose solution, IV. Evolution of Therapy: The first treatment was on March 18, 1970. The results of the first treatment were that the pain in the lower abdomen and vaginal secretion diminished, with subsequent loss of pruritus and pain during urination. Vaginal bleeding and pain in the vulva were also less; the leukorrhea was less fetid. Upon vaginal exploration, the cervix was not as hard, large or painful, and the ulcerations were no longer irregular in shape. After the fourth treatment the patient showed increased appetite, the pain in the lower abdomen is now very sporadic, the bleeding disappeared completely and the secretion is very slight and not fetid. There is no more pollakiuria, dysuria or tenesmus. The ulcerations are no longer bleeding. After the ninth and last treatment, the patient has shown a gain in weight, there is no leukorrhea, the pain in the lower abdomen has disappeared, and the cervix appears to be normally shaped, not hard or painful to the touch and the ulcerations have disappeared. A cytological examination was ordered; the results were negative. An anatomopathological study was also ordered and showed negative results for malignant cells. The patient was released In May, totally cured. Case History # 10 Epidermoid carcinoma
Previous History: The patient tells us that since her third pregnancy, 8 months ago, she began to have abundant leukorrhea, with burning pain; later she began to have vaginal bleeding. She shows the result of a biopsy where she is diagnosed as having an intra-epithelial carcinoma. Symptoms: Has lost 10 kg, leukorrhea, as mentioned, continues; periodic bleeding, since 2 months ago. The cervix is swollen, and a painful mass is palpated in the right parametrium; there is bleeding. Diagnosis: Second stage epidermoid carcinoma. Treatment: We administered 13 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. On March 25, 1971, the patient was found to be clinically cured, and this was corroborated by the cytological examination done on March 23. The Pap test was negative for carcinoma; Group II atypical cells, no malignancy. Case History # 11 Broncogenous carcinoma
Previous History: The patient tells us that 2 months after having had bronchitis, one day he began to cough and expectorate blood in abundance through the mouth and nose. He provided us with an x-ray showing a tumor the size of an orange in the base of the right lung. Has smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day for the last 20 years; is a chronic alcoholic without being a dipsomaniac. Physical Exploration: There are creaking and whistling stertors spread throughout both hemithoraxes, but they predominate in the left. The patient is very dyspneic. There are no respiratory murmurs in more than half of the left hemithorax. Diagnosis: Brocogenous carcinoma Treatment: The patient underwent 18 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. After the fifth the patient began to show signs of improvement. After the 18th session, physical exploration showed that the patient was cured; x—rays were ordered to corroborate these findings. The x-rays were normal. Case History # 12 Metastasis from breast carcinoma
Previous History: Two years ago the patient underwent a mastectomy of the right breast because of a cirrhous carcinoma. Three weeks later she noticed that a small tumor had begun to grow in the axilla of the same side. Present Symptoms: Tumor and pain in the right axilla. The left arm feels larger, and there is periodic paresthesia. There is edema of the upper right extremity and axilla. Physical Exploration: In the right axillary pyramid there is a hard painful lymph node, approx. 3 cm in diameter. There is a retracted scar that goes from the vertex of the axilla to the area of the breast. The right arm and axilla are increasing in volume. BP: 130/85 Diagnosis: Metastasis, to the lymph nodes, of the right axilla of the already removed carcinoma of the right breast. Treatment: We administered 8 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week. The patient was released as cured on July 1, 1970; the tumor, pain and swelling having disappeared. Evolution of Treatment: The first treatment was on February 11, 1970. The result of the first treatment was that the tumor became smaller and less painful; the left arm no longer showed paresthesis and is markedly less swollen. Upon physical exploration, the palpation of the pyramid, of the right axilla shows that the lymph node is 1 cm less in diameter, not as hard and not as painful. After the fourth treatment the patient reports a marked improvement of the symptoms mentioned above. This was corroborated clinically with the observation of the markedly smaller size of the tumor. After the eighth and last treatment, the patient is examined once again and shows no evidence of tumor in the right axilla. There is no swelling and the arm is functioning normally. The patient was released as totally cured on July 1, 1970. Case History # 13 Prostatic Carcinoma
Present condition: Hematuria and anuria; has not been able to urinate in the last two days. Hematuria has been almost constant since two months ago. Specific symptoms: The scarcity of symptoms, besides those already mentioned, calls one’s attention. Physical Exploration: The patient arrived at our clinic with a Foley catheter. Rectal palpation, in the genupectoral position, reveals a prostate grown to the size of a lemon, of irregular edges, painful and of a wooden consistency. Diagnosis: Prostatic carcinoma Treatment: We administered 22 treatments of Donatian therapy, one per week. On February 22, 1967 the patient was released, cured. Case History # 14 Malignant tumor of the right breast
Previous History: Since April of this year has noticed a little node in the right breast. She went to see a physician who ordered a biopsy with positive results. Slight pain in the right breast and left arm. Physical Exploration: Hard painful tumor, the size of an almond in the right breast, a lymph node in the right axilla the size of a bean, hard and painful as well. Vaginal exploration shows it to be slightly painful to the touch, with no secretions and a tiny ulcer at 12 or 1 o’clock. Hypertense. Opacity and reduction of the base of the left lung. Diagnosis: Malignant tumor of the right breast. Treatment: We administered 5 large and 5 small treatments of Donatian therapy. The patient was examined again on July 31, 1978 and found to be with no clinical evidence of a tumor in the right breast. Evolution of Treatment: The first treatment was on June 28, 1978. The results of the first treatment were that cough, eructation, gases, and cramps lessened. Upon palpation, the right breast was not very painful and the tumor was reduced in size. The vagina was no longer painful to the touch, and the small ulcer had disappeared. Auscultatlon showed that pulmonary ventilation had improved. Besides the normal sessions of therapy, the patient came to the clinic on the next day for medications specifically directed at the symptoms that she still felt. After the fourth treatment the patient showed no signs or symptoms. After the last treatment, the Oncodiagnosticator is used and now shows negative results. The patient was released on July 31 of the same year. More recently she has reported perfect health, with no recurrence of symptoms. Case History # 15 Osteal metastases from mammary carcinoma.
Previous History: Two years ago the patient noticed a node in the right breast which increased in size. She consulted a physician who 4 months later performed a total mastectomy and draining of the axillary lymph nodes. A month after the operation the patient began to feel pain in the scapula, dorsolumbar area and the left half of the pelvic basin. She consulted the same physician who recommended surgery once again and removed both her ovaries. After this second operation the symptoms became more intense, and she was given a total of 10 sessions of radiotherapy. The patient did not improve and her doctor said he could do nothing more to help her, giving her a prognosis of a few weeks of survival. The biopsy performed for the same physician reveals an undifferentiated first degree epidermoid carcinoma. The patient now complains of very intense pains in the dorsolumbar area of the spine, in the pelvis and is depressed, feeling she is going to die. Specific symptoms: The patient has lost 17 kg, since her previous average weight was 67 kg. She describes the pains mentioned above that emanate from deep within, as well as those in the hips and the middle of the body. Physical exploration: Patient ambulatory, very distraught, emaciated appearance. There is a surgical scar that goes from the vertex of the right axilla to the external edge of the sternum, about 20 cm long. On the abdomen there is another scar that goes from the superior edge of the pubis to the navel, since the patient’s uterus was removed because of multiple fibromatosis in 1956. Diagnosis: Osteal metastases from mammary carcinoma. Treatment: We administered 10 treatments of Donatian therapy from February 19 to May 19 of the same year. On May 29 the patient was examined and physical exploration showed the patient to be clinically healthy. A series of vertebral x-rays was ordered, as well as those of the pelvis and the large bones of the extremeties. The x-rays showed no evidence of osteolytic osteal lesions. The patient weighed 69 kg upon release. |