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Cellular Cancer Therapy, part 13


The patent name(s) and generic formula are cited. For obvious reasons, the name of the producing pharmaceutical company has been left out.


Dexamethasone sodium phosphate (Decadron)

Dosage: 4 mg IV 0.3 ml IM

This drug is analogous to cortisone and is used for its detoxificatory effects, since it stabilizes the membrane of the intracellular lysosomes which are normally very much altered in patients with malignant neoplasias, blocking the elimination of enzymes (sulfatases, phosphatases, dehydrogenases, etc.) in the cytoplasm. It functions as a bioregulator of the cell membrane, making it stable and preventing it from becoming permeable.


Clemizole hydrochloride

Dosage: 10 mg in 1 ml distilled H20 IV 0.3 ml IM

This is an antihistamine, used mostly for its enhancement of dexamethasone detoxification.


Nylidrine HCl

Dosage: 5 mg in 1 ml H20 IV 0.3 ml IM

This functions as a vasodilator, transporting the metabolic residues and accelerating their elimination through the kidneys.


Liver antitoxin (Hepatex-T, Hepacon ?)

Dosage: 200 mg, Complex B 0.3 ml IM

This has a hematopoietic action and is frequently used in conjunction with other medications.


Dry artichoke extract, 2 g; dry boldo extract, 2 g; also contains peptones and MgSO4, 19 g

Dosage: jar with 100 g Orally, 1 tsp with water

This is used because of its normalizing effect on the digestive system.


Ascorbic Acid 1 g in 10 ml distilled water

Dosage: 1-5 g

This is used for the detoxification of patients with hepatovesicular dysfunction. It stimulates the immunological system and is very useful for treating not only cancer but other diseases, in large doses.


d (1) trio-p-nitrophenyl-2-dichloroacetamide-1 ,3-propan-2-ol 125 mg; dihydrostreptomycine 125 mg

Dosage: Orally, 1 capsule

This is used to combat slight infections of the digestive system.


1-phenyl-1-hydroxy-n-pentane 0.1 g; dimethyl-n-octyl ammonium bromide benzyllic ethyl ester) 0.01 g

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

A cholagogue, choleretic, and cholepoietic used as a hepatic detoxifier.


Carbamoylcholine chloride 2 mg tablets, ampules with 0.25 mg/ml

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet 0.3 ml IM

This medication helps detoxification.


Lyophyllized sodium glucoronate 1 g, ampule with solvent 5 ml

Dosage: 0.3 of combined ampules IV

This is a specific drug for vesicular dysfunction (vesicular dyskinesia). It detoxifies and stimulates the functioning of the hepatic cells.


Furosemide tablets with 40 mg, ampules with 10 mg/mi

Dosage: 2 ml ampule

Diuretic for edema, hypertension, congestive cardiac insufficiency.


3-dimethylcarbamoyloxy-1-methyl pyridinium bromide

Dosage: 0.3 ml (1 mg/ml)

Used as a cathartic IM, helping detoxification by establishing normal peristalsis in the digestive system.


Choline 0.2 g; d—1—methionine 0.05g; inositol 0.1 g; vitamin B12 6 mg; Vitamin E 0.03 g; ampule with 2 ml

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM

Lipotropic, hepatic detoxicant, also hematopoietic.


100 mg per tablet

Dosage: orally, 1 tablet

Peripheral vasodilator.


Posterior pituitary extract 10 IU/ml

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM

Used as part of the cathartic mixture when applied IM.


SILIMERINE (polyhydroxyflavininol) 70 mg tablets  [silymarin]

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

Indicated for hepatic insufficiency and as a detoxicant.


Albumin-free total liver extract 0.6 g

Dosage: 0.3 ml IV

Hepatotrophic and assists in the functional rehabilitation of the liver.


Vitamins B1, B2, B6 ampules of 1 ml

Dosage: 0.3 m1 IM

These act as coenzymes detoxifying and accelerating ATP synthesis; through the Krebs cycle, they better the aerobic metabolism of glucose.


Priphinium Bromide

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

Antispasmodic, anticholinergic



Dosage: Orally, 1 capsule

For the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.


Leucomycine capsules with 250 mg

Dosage: Orally, 1 capsule

For the treatment of gram positive bacterial infections.


Nalidixic Acid, 500 mg phenazopyridine, 50 mg, tablets

Dosage: Orally 1 tablet

Antiinfection effect in urinary infections; antispasmodic


Phenyl-dimethyl-pyrazolonamethylamine-methano-sulfonate of sodium 2.5 g; chlorhydrate of p-pireridine-ethoxy-ocarboxymethoxy-benzophenone 0.01 g; diphenyl-piperidinoethyl—acetamine 0.1 mg

Dosage: 1 ampule TV, TM

Excellent analgesic


Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

Indicated for meteorism


Tablets of 1 mg

For the treatment of prostatic carcinoma.


Paramethasone tablets of 1, 2, and 6 mg

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet according to gravity of case

20 mg paramethasone/ml, 0.3 ml IM


Dehydroisoandrosterone sodium sulfate 10 mg; Succinic dinitrile 150 mg in 2 ml ampules

Dosage: 0.3 of the ampule IM Anabolic.


Dichloroethanate of di-isopropylammonium 100 mg

Dosage: 0.3 of a 2 ml ampule

Increases oxygenation through vasodilation and through the stimulation of mitochondrial oxyreductases.


Nopoxamine Lauryl sulfate 2.5 mg; galactant sulfate 200 mg; basic aluminum aminoacetate, in chewable tablets

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

Used for gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer.


1-(3-oxyphenyl)-l-oxy-2-ethyl-aminoethane 7.5 mg drops

Dosage: Orally, 5 drops

Cardiocirculatory analyeptic.


We have combined the following elements: Genoxal (100 mg), Crystal Insulin (40 IU/ml) in which the Genoxal is dissolved, Madribon (500 mg/5 ml - 2 ampules), Synalar (1 tube - 30 g), and Quimar (?) unguent, 1 million units of chemotrypsine.

All of the elements are mixed and refrigerated in a dark glass recipient; a suppository is made with 2 ml of this formula, and the suppository is wrapped in aluminum foil and put in crushed ice. Formula 1 is indicated for gynecological infections or malignancies. The different components act to reduce inflammation, infection, liquefy necrotic tissue, and attack directly the cancerous cells.


Diprasone (C-beta-methasone diproprionate), Quadriderm (tolnaftate 10 g, iodohydroquinoline 1 g, l7-betamethasone, sulfate of gentamicin 100 mg) 15 g, Lasonil (heparinoid 5000 IU, hyaluronidase 15000 TRU, neomycine sulfate 2.5 mg), 12 g.

All of these are mixed and refrigerated in a dark glass container. The patient is instructed to smear a finger-full on and around the urethral meatus twice a day.


Iodine, guayacol (?), eucalyptol, menthol, vitamin A, Vitamin D, in a base of cod liver and sesame oil Ampule of 5 ml.

Dosage: 0.3 of 5 ml ampule


Geranyl Farneylacetate 50 mg/ml

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM

Used to foster cicatrization of gastroduodenal ulcers because of its trophic effects on the gastrointestinal mucus.


Cyclophosphamide 50 mg in 10 ml

Dosage: 0.3 of 10 ml IM



Contains 20 essential amino acids (a synthetic polypeptide chain). It is indicated in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcers due to its trophic effect and its protection of the mucus.


Chlorotalidine (isoindoline) 50 mg; reserpine 0.25 mg

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

For edema and hypertension of all kinds.


Iron—dextrose colloid complex, equivalent to 50 mg of iron, 1 ml ampules

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM

A hematopoietic.


Crystalline insulin, bottle of 40 U/mi

Units of Insulin = (body weight divided by 2) - 5.

This is the basis of Donatian Therapy.


Dosage: 1-4 ml IV

This is used as a calcium supplement for a wide range of diseases. It helps the digestive system carry out its detoxifying functions. The administration of calcium is also important in the treatment of malignant neoplasias, especially prostatic carcinomas.


MgBr2 25 mg dissolved in 100 ml of distilled H20

Dosage: 1-4 ml IV

We use this substance in almost all of our treatments. This salt is necessary for the normal functioning of the CNS and as a co-factor for the activation of many enzymatic systems. In general there is a magnesium ion deficiency in most malignant neoplasias. The physiopathological basis of this statement will be explained below.


Dimethyiamide of norotonii-ampha-ethylaminobutyric acid 112.5 mg; diethylamide of -(N-propylcrotonamide) butyramidic acid 112.5 mg in 1.5 ml

Dosage: Orally, 5 drops

An excellent cardio—respiratory analgesic.


Minocin Chlorhydrate, 100 mg tablets

An antibiotic used for respiratory system infections.


Aluminum and magnesium hydroxides, oxythazaine 200 mg

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablespoon


Gestonorone caproate, 200 mg in 2 ml

Dosage: 0.3 ampule IM

For prostatic carcinoma.


Dimethylcarbamidic ester of trimetbyl-3-hydroxyphenyl ammonia monomethyl sulfate (neostigmine methylsulfate ?)

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM (0.5 mg in 1 ml distilled H20)

This is used as a stimulant of smooth muscle tissue and in the treatment of hiatal hernia.


Proteolytic enzyme concentrate: trypsin and chemotrypsin 50,000 units in tablets

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

We use this medication in the treatment of carcinomas of the stomach and of ulcerative colitis.


Hydrosoluble dealbuminated extract of 0.4 g of prostate

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM

For all prostatic disturbances.


Pyrrolidinomethyltetracycline 150 mg; xilocaine chlorhydrate, 40 mg. Also available with 275 mg for IV.

Dosage: 0.3 of the 2 ml IM; 0.3 of 10 ml IV


Hydrosoluble extract of 0.4 g of stomach; hydrosoluble extract of 0.6 g of small intestine. Ampules of 1 ml

Dosage: 0.3 ml IM

This medication is a mucoprotector of the digestive system; it decreases the activity of the proteolytic enzymes, as well. It is indicated in the treatment of neoplasias of the digestive system and in the case of ulcerative colitis.


N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine 100 mg in tablets

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

This is a specific detoxifier for malignant neoplasias. It acts to eliminate all of the heavy metals in the system.


Chlorotrianisene 12 mg in capsules

Dosage: Orally, 1 capsule

For prostatic carcinoma.


Extract of Pygmeum africanum cortex 25 mg in tablets

Dosage: Orally, 1 tablet

For diseases of the prostate.


Sulfocarbonic diamide 1 mg

Dosage: 0.3 of ampules 1 and 2 combined

According to our experience, this drug reduces the size of the metastasis and the tumoral mass, therefore it is indicated for all carcinomas.


Ampules of 5 cc Dosage: 0.3 of ampule

Antiseptic that works synergistically with antibiotics.


(Drolban, Masteril) 0.5 ampule

For breast cancer.


0.3 of the dilution IV


0.3 of the dilution IV


0.3 of the dilution IM and IV


1 capsule


1 capsule


1 tablet


0.5 ampule IV


0.5 liter tonic IV


0.5 liter for normalization of electrolytes


0.5 ampule as a coagulant


0.5 ampule as a coagulant


0.5 ampule as a coagulant





Case History # 1         Bilateral Mammary Tumor

Name: APA             Date: October 14, 1971

Age: 24                     Sex: Female

Weight: 45 kg             Height: 1.60 m

Profession: Home

Major Symptoms: Sharp pain in the left breast,

Previous History:  2 1/2 years ago was operated on to remove a walnut-sized tumor from her left breast. In the last year has noticed another tumor in the same breast,

    The tumor in the left breast grew until reaching a rectangular size of’ 4 x 5 cm. The patient feels sharp burning pain in the breast, burning in the nipple, and the pain has spread to the entire upper left extremity. Underwear is bothersome, and she speaks of vague discomfort in the right arm.

    Does not smoke, drink or use drugs.

Specific Symptoms:  Digestive: lack of appetite, metallic taste in the mouth, bromhydrosis, halitosis, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting of bitter food residues.

Cardiovascular: tachycardia, frequent palpitations, numbing of hands and feet. Feet are swollen in the morning.

Genitourinary: pollakiuria, odinomenorrhea, menstruation for 8 days with leukorrhea. Nervous, irritable, has insomnia.

Musculoskeletal: pain in both superior extremities.

Vital signs:  BP: 104/68 Pulse: 83/mm Temperature: 36.5º C

Signs:  Patient in generally good state of health, does not appear to be as young as she is, white. Physical exploration uncovers hard, painful lymph nodes on each side of the neck, each the size of a chick pea, above the supraclavicular region. The lower edge of the liver is felt to be swollen, painful; Murphy’s maneuver is positive. The patient complains of pain throughout the area of the colon upon palpation.

Diagnosis:  Bilateral mammary tumor.

Treatments:    4 sessions of Donatian Therapy, one every 5 days.

Prognosis:  Cured. November 15 a mammography was taken which was normal. X-rays of the thorax showed no metastases.

Description of Treatment:   The night before treatment, the patient was administered an enema and upon awakening blood and urine samples were taken.

20 IU of insulin mixed with 1 ml Betalin were administered at 2:30 PM. When symptoms of hypoglycemia began at 3:10, 2 tablespoons of Boldocynara, 2 tablespoons of Mucaine, 2 tablets of Carbotiazol and 1 tablet of Cynomel were administered. Then 100 mg of Endoxan were administered IM with 125 mg Reverin, 1/2 ampule of Madribon, 25 mg of PCT, and 3 ml Betalin, concluding with 1 tablet of Roniacol and 1 of nicotinic acid,

At 3:15 PM the therapy point is reached and 50 mg of Endoxan dissolved in 50% hypertonic glucose solution are given IV.

This treatment was repeated every 5 days, with the addition of 1/2 ampule of Oradexon.

The patient was released on November 1/2 of the same year.

Evolution of Treatment:    The first treatment was given on October 16.

The principal symptom, sharp pain in the left breast, is approximately 70% less intense. The tumor now measures 2 x 3 cm; the sharp pains and burning have decreased; the burning of the nipple disappeared, as did the pain in the left arm; discomfort from underwear and in the right arm both disappeared.

Digestive: appearance of appetite, disappearance of other symptoms.

Cardiovascular: no longer has tachycardia, palpitations, or numbness in hands and feet. Edema of the feet has also disappeared.

Nervous: no longer irritable, sleeps better.

Musculoskeletal: no longer feels pain in the arms. Physical exploration reveals a smaller tumor and less pain in the left breasts where the tumor measured 4 x 5 cm, it now measures 2 x 3 cm, the volume, consistency and shape are less irregular, the nipple is smaller.

After the second treatment, the sharp burning pain disappeared and upon physical exploration, there is still slight pain in the breast. The tumor measures 0.5 x 1 cm.

After the third treatment, there were no symptoms and no pain upon palpation. The breast is of normal size and the tumor is the size of a lentil. After the final treatment the breast is normal and no tumor is palpated.

Note, 10/26/78: After giving birth twice, the patient still shows no symptoms, or signs.


Case History # 2     Pulmonary carcinoma of the left vertex

Name: R B C             Date: 3/3/53

Age: 40                         Sex: Male

Weight: 61 kg                 Height: 1.71 m

Profession: Businessman

Previous History:    The patient relates that after a cold the cough persisted, and this is what motivated the visit. The cough began 6 months ago. He consulted a physician who prescribed several medications, but the cough continued to worsen, with the appearance of mucopurulent phlegm and often blood • An x-ray was taken and a dark area was found at the vertex of the left lung.

The cough intensified further and recently the dyspnea has been very accentuated, as has been the case with the hemoptoic expectoration, as well. Faced with this situation, another physician had him undergo radiotherapy, operating to implant radioactive needles. Two ribs of the left hemithorax were removed and the radioactive needles placed in the vertex of the left lung.

The patient’s condition worsened, with increasing pain and dyspnea; he has difficulty in expelling the expectoration which is very sticky; he has lost 25 kg.

The last x-ray shows a metastasis at the base of the right lung, with a continuous fever of between 37.5 and 38°C (see x—ray #1). The patient relates that he has no appetite and that it is very difficult to swallow because his dyspnea increases. The pain in the left medial hemithorax is continuous. The patient smoked very much: 3 packs of cigarettes per day.

Previous illnesses: had malaria in 1943.

Specific symptoms:    Digestive. Anorexia, dysphagia.

Respiratory. Very intense dyspnea.

Physical exploration: Three very painful, grape-sized lymph nodes are palpated in each submaxillar region. Two walnut—sized lymph nodes are found in each supraclavivular region. Auscultation of the thorax shows hoarse, creaking, stertor during respiration. The anterior face of the right hemithorax reveals pleural rubbing.

On the posterior face of the thorax, palpation reveals a lack of vocal vibrations in the left hemithorax and a dampening of them in the right. Upon percussion, the base of the right side and all of the left side sound dampened (?matidez). Upon auscultation no respiratiory murmur is heard on the left side, there is creaking stertor. On the right side, the respiratory murmur is only absent at the base; in the rest of the right hemithorax there is hoarse stertor.

Abdomen. There is intercostal retraction and this continues to the abdomen making evident the enormous effort required for breathing.

The respiration of this patient is predominantly abdominal, like that of a newborn infant.

Diagnosis:        Pulmonary carcinoma of the left vertex.

Treatment:        25 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week for 6 months. 48 hours after the application of the first treatment x-ray #2 was taken, already showing some improvement.

On October 15 was released as cured, as x-ray #3 clearly shows.

Evolution of Treatment:        The first treatment was given on March 3, 1953. The main signs of the patient are coughing, dyspnea, hemoptoic expectoration, and pain. The result of the first treatment was that the coughing was reduced. as was the dyspnea and the hemoptoic expectoration; the fever disappeared and the patient recovered some of his appetite, since he could swallow better.

Physical exploration. The submaxillary lymph nodes were reduced in volume and less painful. Upon auscultation of the thorax, the creaking stertor are a little less sonorous, the pleural rubbing of the right hemithorax persists on the anterior face of the hemithorax, on the posterior face of the thorax the vocal vibrations are very much diminished, but they have improved on the right side. With percussion, the dull, dampened response is no longer heard on the right side, nor at the vertex of the left lung, though it continues in the rest. Upon auscultation, the respiratory murmur begins to make itself present at the vertex of the left lung, where the creaking stertor are less sonorous; in the rest of this lung and in all of the right the respiratory murmur is already distinguish able and the hoarse stertor of the right lung are diminished.

Abdomen. Intercostal retraction is less, just as In the rest of the abdomen, abdominal respiration, is also less. X-rays are taken and reveal that the base of the right lung has already cleared up as has the vertex of the left. The patient notices satisfactory improvement with each treatment. Finally, at the 24th treatment, none of the symptoms are present and the patient is given one more. X-rays are taken after the last treatment and reveal a perfectly healthy patient, thus corroborating the clinical evidence.


Case History # 3         Metastasis of carcinoma of the left breast to the right

Name: A G de D         Date: February 13, 1970

Age:  37                         Sex: Female

Weight: 54 kg                 Height: 1.65

Profession: Secretary

Previous history:        On September 23, 1969 the patient underwent a mastectomy with removal of the entire left breast, since biopsy showed the existence of a cirrhous carcinoma. Since then the patient has noticed that In the right breast a node appeared that has gradually grown in size. At present she feels pain in the right breast, the left arm and is slightly confused. The patient’s father died of cancer.

Specific symptoms:        The only thing that calls attention is a weight loss of 5 kg.

Physical exploration.   Palpation of the neck reveals several small lymph nodes that are hard and painful. In the supraclavicular region, there are two olivesized lymph nodes on the same side that are very hard and very painful.

In the anterior region of the thorax there is a semi—circular scar that goes from the axilia to the middle of the sternum; the scar is keloid, painful upon palpation and gives the patient a burning sensation. The scar is retracted because it is keloid and is compressing the right arm, which is swollen.

Diagnosis:        Metastasis of the carcinoma of the left breast to the right.


Treatment:        We administered 14 sessions of Donatian therapy, one per week!

On June 15, 1970 the patient was released as totally cured.

part 14 


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