Muscular Dystrophy. According
to Dr. Perez Garcia 3, in the past, his father Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2 treated several boys with muscular
dystrophy. Apparently they were doing well, gaining strength and muscle
mass. But for personal or financial reasons, the families withdrew their
sons from continued treatment. Note to the Muscular Dystrophy
Association: I think this is a lead worth following up on!
Osteomyelitis (bacterial infection of bone).
A case of
osteomyelitis treated by the
Drs. Perez Garcia with IPT, in the 1992 patent. A
case of osteomyelitis treated by Dr. Paquette.
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Go to the Arthritis page.
Slipped disk, with sciatica.
Jean-Claude Paquette MD cites five cases of slipped disk with sciatica in his
book Medicine of Hope. One of the patients was Dr. Paquette himself, treated by
Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2. In all five cases, surgery (and its side effects) was avoided, spinal
flexibility returned, and all pain went away completely -- for years -- after
just one IPT treatment. Go to these cases.
cancer. Go to this page.
tunnel syndrome. Caused by irritation, inflammation, and
swelling of the tendons, which apply pressure to nerves in the wrist. This
looks like a natural application for IPT, which has been shown to reduce
inflammation and swelling in various settings, including arthritis and
infections. Note: this is speculation. I hope that some
doctors will try gentle IPT treatments for this condition.