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Nervous System Diseases and IPT

        Without the nervous system we are meat, organs, bones, and sinew.  The nervous system is our control and consciousness transducer, the seat of our senses and being.  This network of cells and relationships is so complex that about 20,000 members of the Society for Neuroscience come together year after year to tell each other more stories about it, and they never run out of fascinating material, and probably never will.  What a marvel, the crown of creation.

        One of the promising features of IPT is its reported effectiveness in treatment of numerous nervous system diseases.  And its potential to help treat many more.

        It was the nervous system that Dr. Perez Garcia 1 first treated with IPT.  The nervous system wracked with tertiary syphilis, causing dementia and paralysis.  He found that insulin and glucose allowed him to get larger doses of toxic heavy metal drugs into the brain and spinal cord, kill all the syphilis spirochetes, and get the heavy metals back out without killing the patient.  An amazing feat of pharmacokinetic choreography especially for 1928.

        IPT appears to do many things in the central nervous system.  It can transport drugs and nutrients inward across the blood-brain barrier, and carry toxins out.  It can apparently reduce inflammation and swelling.  It can fight infections of malaria, bacteria, viruses.  It can deliver chemotherapy drugs to melt away tumors.  And now research is showing that insulin can stimulate neural stem cells to form new brain cells of whatever type is needed, that it can stimulate growth of new neurons and regrowth of old ones, that it can stimulate the myelination and re-myelination of axons.  And IPT probably carries out all these functions in the peripheral nervous system as well.

Read these cases of CNS diseases treated with IPT:

bulletStroke paralysis victims who walked after their first IPT treatment.

bulletChildren paralyzed by polio who ran and jumped normally after IPT.

bulletA multiple sclerosis patient who got her energy back, got out of bed --- and went cross-country skiing.

bulletPatients with slipped disc and lumbo-sciatica who felt no more pain after IPT.

bulletA patient whose schizophrenia went away, apparently permanently.

bulletHeadaches and migraines going away for good.

bulletDrug and tobacco addicts, and alcoholics who were quickly detoxified, their craving reduced or removed.

bulletPain from many causes reduced or eliminated.

bulletPainful herpes-caused shingles eliminated, apparently permanently.

bulletA case of epilepsy successfully treated with IPT, as described in the 1992 patent.   This patient's seizures became shorter, and their frequency was reduced by 75 percent.

bulletSenses of smell and taste returned, vertigo and tinnitus eliminated, and hearing and sight improved, by treatment of circulatory and other systems.
bulletDr. Perez Garcia y Bellon 2 had protocols for treating epileptic conditions, hyperactive children, and schizophrenia in his practice in 1975.


And the potential applications are amazing, too.  (The following are speculative, based on what we know.)

bulletPossible treatment for spinal cord injuries and brain injuries.

bulletPossible treatment for Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, etc.)

bulletPossible treatment for a number of neural disorders that may be caused by mercury poisoning from metal tooth fillings.  Methyl mercury penetrates the blood-brain barrier to get mercury into the CNS, and IPT may help get it back out

bulletPossible treatment for severe brain infections, such as meningitis, and cerebral malaria (the most common cause of death in malaria, which infects 300-500 million per year).   Is it possible that IPT might be able to reverse the protein conformation changes of prion diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy and  Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? 

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