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Medicine of Hope, part 2
On December 30, 1977, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation of Ottawa
presented on national network television: "The Story of a
Doctor in Ferme-Neuve". This television broadcast of
Jocelyne Soulodre had an impact everywhere in Canada.
The facts were presented in an impartial way, introducing a patient
suffering from asthma and emphysema and another suffering from
rheumatoid arthritis. Both, after being treated and having previously
consulted several doctors and specialists, were bewildered by the
results obtained with the Cellular Therapy.
The president of the College then intervened declaring "that
the pulmonary diagnosis of emphysema was probably wrong for the young 25
year old man, because it is impossible, he said, to recover from such a
disease", although the diagnosis was made by a famous lung
specialist with 53 years of experience.
I was then pleading: "The name of the disease does not
matter, whether it is about emphysema or not. What is important is that
the patient feels better and that he can return to work." I
do not treat the disease, but the person who is suffering from it.
I also added that it is the duty of a doctor, when his conscience and
his knowledge recommend a treatment he believes to be of benefit to a
patient, to apply it. The first role of the doctor is to relieve
Dr. Augustin Roy, who was my colleague at the Laval University in
Quebec, from 1948 to 1953, expressed himself in these terms: "Dr.
Paquette is a humanitarian and inspires confidence. He is personally
honest with himself; he is some sort of a missionary, of a crusader.
He has remained the same, as I knew him. This therapy has not been
sufficiently studied in recognized research centers." I then
continued: "If nobody tries this treatment, when will we know
whether it is good or not?"
On my return from Mexico, I tried out myself here in Canada the
method, which I had seen applied and have studied over there. I must
confess that the results are positive. The commentator finished in these
terms: "And now this is where the Cellular Therapy is. The
College only considered it on paper, and the experts having condemned it
are the same that cannot help the patients, who turn to Dr. Paquette.
The treatment exists. The patients state they are helped by the therapy,
and the ‘Medical Establishment’ remains cynical."
"Nobody has proven the theory on which Cellular Therapy is based
and, while waiting for that to happen, nobody will really know whether
or not it is a medical revelation."
I admit that, by nature, I always liked difficulties. I took pleasure
in overcoming them, to rising to the challenges. For instance, at Laval
University, I formed a vocal quartet, the Four-Jean with three
friends who had superb voices (Jean-Marie, Jean-François, and
Jean-Charles) but no musical knowledge. I brought them into a
contest and we won first prize at Quebec radio.
On the other hand, one Friday evening, I agreed to give a concert
two days later with a choir that did not even exist. I gathered the
twelve best voices of the city of Quebec. Only one rehearsal on Sunday
morning and the concert was given flawlessly the same evening.
Thereafter, we made a provincial round of fifteen concerts and we were
invited to sing at the Petit Colisée of Quebec in front of an
audience of 7,000 people. Nothing is impossible.
It is neither to defy the College nor to hide from it, as its members
could think, that I decided to open a clinic in Haiti. It was a
researcher of New York, Dr. Michael Levi a famous gynecologist, director
of the New York OBGYN (private clinic composed of forty four
doctors) who encouraged me to open a therapy clinic in Pétion-Ville,
I held 50 clinical sessions where the patients were arriving from the
four corners of the earth, especially from Canada, the United States and
Europe. I treated there a patient from Manitoba referred by a European
doctor, another from British Columbia, a diabetic, an American opera
singer, businessmen from France, Switzerland, Italy, Russia,
an old duffer of the British haute couture, a
Spanish artist, a young Italian actress referred to me by doctors and
writers whose names I did not even know.
At the beginning of October 1978, I went to New York, on his
invitation, to meet Dr. Michael Levi, Professor at Columbia University,
holder of seventeen fellowships in obstetrics, gynecology, surgery,
oncology, immunology, etc., recognized as an international medical
celebrity. He greeted me with much kindness at the airport, took me
along to visit his clinic in Brooklyn, and introduced me to a few of the
44 doctors who were working with him.
This great researcher, always looking for a new medical discovery,
wanted to learn more about Cellular Therapy, which already fascinated
It is thanks to him that the famous cancer drug, laetrile, had then
been accepted in seventeen states of the United States. He had
already reserved a significant place for Cellular Therapy in the basket
of current cancer treatments.
A decision was made the very same day to establish a "Center of
Cellular Therapy" in Haiti where research would continue under his
One of his former students, a specialist in allergy and internal
medicine, Professor at the University of Port-au-Prince, offered us his
collaboration: he was Dr. Serge Conille, personal doctor of the
President of the Haitian Republic.
Thus one week later I flew away towards Haiti with a very charming
couple. The notary Roger Munn from Buckingham was accompanying his wife
suffering from asthma and arthritis. She was my first patient in Haiti.
(See: respiratory diseases case # 16 and rheumatic diseases case #
For Dr. Serge Conille, it was his first experience with ICT: his eyes
were wide open in amazement. He had been able to examine the patient
before and after the treatment and had been able to verify with me
"a fantastic improvement which exceeded the hopes of known
The spirit of research becomes second nature when a doctor of a
distant region finds himself alone facing new problems or problems which
were not sufficiently covered in his medical studies.
Thus I discovered in my own experience the use of Butazolidine,
from the Geigy Company, in cases of phlebitis, hemorrhoids and
thrombophlebitis. I was already using it for a good ten years for these
cases when I read an American article declaring: "new
NB: This marvelous medicine has disappeared from the map
since 1992.
After long researches, I had developed a technique to drain and treat
varicose ulcers, the
noire" (nemesis or
curse) of dermatologists. The patients came
from nearby areas, even from the Metropolis, spent here about ten days,
and returned home relieved and happy.
I remember on the other hand a case recalcitrant to treatment... .
Each morning, the patient returned to my office with a wet bandage and a
greasy skin. Only after about ten days did I understand the foxiness of
my patient. A good believer, he had returned from Saint-Joseph Oratory
with a small bottle of oil that the good brother André, a cousin of my
father, had given to him.
This is also how I was able, stimulated by the spirit of research, to
perfect the Donatian Therapy from Dr. Perez and discovered the
Medicine of Hope: an intelligent approach to treat in a holistic
manner the whole human person.
AIDS brought back to our consciousness the immune system that was a
little relegated to darkness. Since its appearance, we now frequently
speak about our autoimmune system, viruses, antigens, and antibodies.
Type 1 labial herpes, commonly called wild fire, is a problem
as old as the earth. It is very closely related by its roots to
type II genital herpes.
A few years before the discovery of the antiviral drug zovirax (acyclovir)
in 1973 or 1974, for which a subsidy of $17 million was paid, I
developed by myself a treatment for labial herpes which does not cost
anything and which has absolutely no side effect nor contraindication.
A lady about thirty had been consulting me for the last 12 years for
labial herpes. Three dermatologists and an allergist had not found any
solutions for her problem.
Eager to help this patient, I pondered about it for a long time when
the idea came to me that her blood contained antigens against which it
was necessary to find a way to act. By injecting antigens, the system
would probably produce antibodies.
I remembered having heard about hemotherapy, which consists in
treating someone with his own blood, but I was completely unfamiliar
with the technique. I then began with 1cc, then 2, then 4 cc, and I
finally adopted the dose of 10 cc in my practice with spectacular
results. I was drawing 10 cc of blood from a vein in the arm and
injecting it back intra-muscularly in the gluteus muscle (buttocks),
nothing else. The lesions dried out within 2 or 3 days and the pain
disappeared usually the very same day. I have treated over a hundred
As for acyclovir, an expensive drug with so extraordinary
predictions, it has not solved the problem as anticipated. It does
nothing but diminish it without ever solving it. The prescription is
to be repeated monthly and it will be necessary to take it for life.
Occasionally, I meet former patients that I treated twenty or more
years ago. They are very proud to tell me that they never had any
This is how discoveries are made. I do not have enough experience on
a sufficient number of genital herpes cases to affirm whether or not
auto-hemotherapy (autohemotherapy) is effective, but I have the feeling it will.
Astronomical sums, billions of dollars, are collected every year
worldwide for research, whatever the origins: donations, governmental
subsidies, national, international, telethons, march-thons, cyclo-thons,
organizations of all kinds and what not... ?
It is sometimes cancer, AIDS, allergies, multiple sclerosis, cerebral
palsy, Friedreich’s
Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, schizophrenia, epilepsy, hemiplegia,
asthma, arthritis and rheumatism, migraine, psoriasis, Parkinson’s,
vascular diseases, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s and more.
With the crumbs of the hundred of billions of dollars collected and
spent in subsidized research centers, lone researchers, all too often
ignored, could also bring appreciable elements for a solution to these
dispiriting problems, of which I have just enumerated a non exhaustive
The cures** usually lasted 14 days, and consisted of two major
treatments based on insulin and 10 minor treatments. It is obvious that
certain more serious or more rebellious diseases would sometimes
necessitate more than two weeks of treatment. We cannot always correct
in so little time a condition that took from 15 to 20 years to settle
But we always knew after the first few days if the treatment was
effective, and in fact, it brought an improvement in more than 90% of
the cases, stopping in its tracks to a more or less significant
degree, the disease and its symptoms.
It is necessary to keep in mind that the majority of the patients who
had recourse to ICT were patients for whom conventional medicine had
failed or had not been able to stop the totality of the problems. ICT is
also experimental just like conventional medicine, but it succeeds
[Translator's note: "Cure"
here is meant in the French sense of the word: A period and a process of
treatment including hygiene and diet rules implemented during that
period (typically two weeks).] See: How about the cure?
This clinic of a new concept reflected the picture I had always
imagined of the ideal clinic.
Instead of austere environments not always hospitable of our
hospitals, the patients found themselves in a splendid villa on a
mountainside, in a fairy-like and enchanting decor with a panoramic
view, far from the noise, the dust, the crowd, and the extreme tropical
"This is a dream!" the patients would say on arrival. They
were already beginning to forget their problems and their diseases.
The tranquillity, the relaxing surroundings, the courtesy, the smile
"de rigueur" (compulsory) for everyone, the soft music, the
swimming pool, the entertainment, the "downtown excursions with
the doctor", at the market, at the beach, on the mountain,
invited speakers such as Mrs. Margery Chamy, Professor in Science of
life in the United States, all revolved on the physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual well-being to start again a new life.
On the professional level, nothing was neglected: the presence of a
doctor 24 hours a day, qualified nurses, gracious personnel, an
experienced masseur, in house treatments, the availability of additional
tests if need be, but above all, a more humanized medicine where we
do not treat any more the disease but the patient, the person who
suffers from it.
During the cure, no one was allowed to speak about his disease
with the other patients: each one had enough problems of his own without
being badgered by those of others. The watchword was given right from
the start.
The only person with whom they were allowed to speak about it was
with me, their doctor. Every day, I gave a small conference on a subject
of common interest, which ordinarily ended in a forum. Sometimes I
suggested to them to submit their questions in writing, which preserved
Dr. Paquette's clinic in Haiti |
Laughter was a must. A joke did not wait for another. It was somewhat
the "LAUGHTER CURE". It is in the middle of bursts of
laughter that for a long time I have liked to convey my messages. I can
be as serious as I like to joke, this says a lot. I like to be serious
without taking myself seriously.
In Haiti, one seemingly would have preferred that I do not stay with
my patients in my clinic, a question of professional standing, but for
me, the concept I had of it, was the opposite.
We must know our patients perfectly, see the way they eat, know their
way of life, their mood, the way they think, the way they are, the way
they entertain themselves. I wanted to be with them 24 hours a day, to
reassure them, to be available, see to the management, the maintenance,
the cleanliness, the purchasing, the diet, the outings with them, the
organization of their leisure, and especially their well-being. I can
say that I was there "full" time.
From the medical viewpoint, I must say that it was not a picnic... .
Each case was re-examined each day, analyzed, modified, and well
thought-out. I spent all my free time of the day and most of my nights
thinking about the treatments and preparing them. Imagine for a while
what this can represent, as a matter of responsibilities, of
concentration, the number of working hours when you have up to twenty
three patients at the same time. That happened only once. The groups
were usually of 8 or 10. I stopped when I was completely exhausted and
nothing distressing ever happened to me.
Medicine is not a mathematical science. In medicine, two and two
do not necessarily make four, but sometimes one, three, ten, because
each one is sick in his own way, according to his temperament, his
family background, his age, his sex, his location, his reactions,
his heredity, his constitution, his own auto-defense, his lifestyle, his
customs, his nutrition habits.
Neither is medicine a science with drawers. There is not a custom
treatment ready made for each disease. It is necessary to find one for
each patient. I can affirm that in 19 years, I have never applied the
same treatment to two different persons for the same kind of illness. I
remember three cases of psoriasis treated the same morning whose
treatments varied up to 70%.
One does not react the same way to the same trauma, the same
infections, and the same drugs. It is thus necessary to know not only
the nature of the problems, but also the individual who is affected.
This implies a personal treatment appropriate to each patient. Often
the organism fights back on its own: it has been said that it is 1,000
times smarter than any doctor is! Fortunately!
Non nova sed nove, it is the motto I had chosen when I was
the mayor of Ferme-Neuve and it appears at the bottom of my village’s
coat of arms. It means "Nothing new, but in a new way".
This motto applies curiously to ICT. We use the same medications as
in conventional medicine, the best we can find and whatever is the
country of origin. The administration of these medicines is done in the
same ways: orally (by mouth), subcutaneously, intra-muscularly,
intravenously, locally, vaginally, or rectally.
But the choice, the synergistic combination (a drug potentiating
another), the administration of this medication as well as the new way
to consider the patient and his diseases, all that belongs to a new
technique in medicine. It is not revolutionary, but evolutionary.
When a new treatment in medicine, that challenges our vocational
training, disturbs us, is revealed to us, which can, not only relieve
but sometimes cure, we have a tendency, by mistrust or fidelity with the
tradition, or fear of the authorities, to keep silent, to cover
it with ridicule as with a candle snuffer.
Being the only doctor in the world who has practiced this therapy,
besides the Drs. Donato Perez father, son and grandson, I will attempt
to show it to you under various facets and various angles: they are
It is indefinable because of its often unhoped-for, unforeseeable
results. It is increasingly comprehensible, as one practices it. I wish
the medical world would hurry and finally take a good look at this form
of therapy and help us discover what still remains veiled.
It is a logical medicine based on observation and reasoning. It
tackles the medical causes (which are multiple), rather than the
There is always a subjacent problem, a psychic correspondence in any
physical state, which settles down. With the patient, we try to discover
it and to make him aware of his state.
It is an incredibly fast medicine, its effects often appear in a
few hours, always in less than 2 days.
It is a multidisciplinary medicine, which accepts and refers to
all the positive data of medical and ancillary medical science, to all
techniques likely to improve the condition of the patient. Because
the patient forms a whole, only one entity, in his evolution towards
health or the disease.
It is a holistic medicine, which treats the whole being at the
same time with its various problems: physic, emotional, mental,
spiritual, hereditary, or personal.
This new global approach for the whole human body is very
different from that of the many specialties of medicine, which share it
piecemeal, organ by organ, system by system.
Our way of considering and detoxifying the whole body at the same
time (we will come back here), and of treating several organs at the
same time in the same treatment does not smile at the defenders of
specialized medicine. The various specialties can only accept with
difficulty that someone could meddle and succeed in their respective
fields: Respiratory, locomotion, circulatory, allergic, digestive,
genito-urinary, dermatological, neurological, or other, taken one by one
or severally at the same time.
A chronic disease is usually never isolated: The other systems
are generally implied in various degrees. It is what makes the power
of this medicine of tomorrow.
It is an effective medicine that really treats the sick body all
the way through, rather than insisting on making the apparent symptoms
disappear. With the passing days, weeks, the effects are really
felt and persist as long as the patient does not return to his old
way of life.
It is a personalized medicine because each one is sick in his own
way and must be treated by taking into account his own hereditary
characteristics, familial, personal, allergic and nutritious or others.
It is an especially very human medicine, which treats patients
rather than diseases, because it does not forget the human being hiding
behind the disease, cuddling behind the symptoms, despairing, suffering
and crying. It is a response to the cry for help of Professor
Lebos who reproaches medicine for being dehumanized.
It is a simple medicine, so simple that observers refuse to
believe in it, even if the results are there. Because they are there,
really, and this is what counts. There are no miracles, but
revealing results, impressive, often spectacular. There are some
failures, but also indisputable successes.
It is one of the great medicines in the world, able to treat so
quickly the organism as a whole.
It is a sure medicine which does not cause any secondary
anaphylaxes, allergies, or intoxications) and without iatrogenic effect.
In short, it is a cure of total detoxification, doubled with a
specific curative treatment for each disease, whatever the number may
be, and reinforced by a regimen of non re-intoxication.
Because if the patient continues to eat like a glutton, to drink like
a fish, to smoke like a chimney, and to burn the candle on both ends,
without modifying his scheme of life and thought, he will necessarily
fall back in the same mistakes that produced the same diseases, the same
May 14, 1977, I had the chance, good fortune, and honor to have a
talk of over four hours on the subject of ICT with Fernand Seguin in his
residence at Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu. This renowned biochemist,
deceased recently, recognized that this therapy had a stimulating
effect on the immune system. The bulletin of the Corporation des
Médecins de Québec (College of Medicine of Quebec) testified to it, in
its edition of December 7, 1977. "It is very promising in the
history of medicine," affirmed Fernand Seguin.
Being only a simple general practitioner, I had much difficulty
grasping the action mechanism of this therapy, which I was practicing,
and I asked him to enlighten me. Here is the explanation that he gave
"The administration of insulin causes a reduction in the
concentration of the blood serum, which allows an exosmosis, i.e. a
discharge of intercellular waste in plasma. In parallel, with the
application of ICT, by increasing the molecular concentration of plasma,
the result is an endosmosis, which explains the ten fold boost of
efficiency of this therapy".
"Insulin, he specified, facilitates the exchanges
between cells, makes it possible to drive toxins out of them and to
allow the necessary medication to penetrate them restoring the
He was saying to me: "I have the intuition, that we are
very close to the solution current medicine has been looking for, during
the last 50 years in its fight against cancer".
"Because when one does not die of his cancer, one dies of the
secondary toxic effects of chemotherapy which can only use toxic
"Radiotherapy, as you well know, burns the cells in an
irreversible way and makes all new blood circulation impossible. As for
surgery", he continued with a small pout, "it seems to
have lost any and all respect for human dignity."
"The mechanism of hypoglycemia started with insulin, coupled
with the administration of a medication at the same time as the
hypertonic glucose, activates the speed of exosmosis and endosmosis.
That makes it possible to notably decrease the dosages of the
medications used. It would be very interesting to check in
experiments the phenomena such as I understand them logically."
"By reducing the doses, it is logical that it decreases their
toxicity, their intolerance, their side effects, their interactions,
their risks of allergies, of anaphylaxis, their iatrogenic effects. Do
you realize, doctor, he was saying to me, what it could bring to cancer
treatment and how many other diseases?"
"You know that for the last fifty years, he continued, (I was
reading it in an article by Peter Chodka), medicine has perhaps only
made a 5% improvement in its treatment against cancer, in spite of the
giant steps in the detection techniques?"
"You have the duty, he reiterated, to contact "la
Corporation des Médecins de Québec" (College of Medicine of
Quebec) and to inform them of what you have learned about this therapy.
I myself, did not know it; THIS DISCOVERY, IT IS A BOMB, believe
me it is what medicine has been seeking for years at the cost of
hundreds of million dollars."
I informed him of my vain efforts to interest the College in this
therapy. He appeared to be very disappointed in their attitude and
promised me to take care of it personally. He told me he had a good
contact at the College, with Dr. Augustin Roy.
He ended saying: "If one ever finds a drug which can enhance
the other drugs to the point of being able to use them without toxicity,
without undesirable side effects, that is worth the Nobel Prize".
I wish that someone would be able to prove to the scientific community
that insulin has this property and I have the feeling it will.
I remember having heard Dr. Augustin Roy make the same statement on
television in 1977.
As for me, I did not discover anything but the existence of this
therapy. It took me more courage than audacity and temerity to continue
alone my research, in a remote corner of the country, and to follow the
way dictated to me my by professional conscience. I could not accept in
my inner self to capitulate to disease.
Recalling the concise sentence of Roosevelt on success, I also told
myself: If nobody tries, we will never know.
I will conclude with this thought: There are people who went
around the world to finally find in their back yard what they were
looking for in vain.
The therapy is there! We only have to open our eyes.
<continue to part 3>