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Breast Ca. and IPT
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This page is for reports of IPT treatment of less common types of cancer.

Five cancer cases described in Cellular Cancer Therapy (Donato Perez Garcia 1 and Donato Perez Garcia y Bellon 2, 1978 (?), translated by Mike Dillinger.  Case diagnoses:  
            1.  Neuroblastoma with metastases
            2.  Semioma of the left testicle with metastasis to the corresponding inguinal lymph nodes
            3.  Thyroid carcinoma
            4.  Second degree gastric carcinoma [cancer of the stomach]
            5.  Metastasis of the semi-differentiated infiltrating adenocarcinoma of the gall bladder

A case of vulvar cancer and metastatic ganglionic cancer, reported by Dr. Paquette in his book Medicine of Hope.  After doctors predicted only 6 months for the patient to live, she underwent IPT as her primary (and only) treatment.  Biopsies afterward confirmed no remaining cancer, and she lived at least 16 years more in good health.

"I remember that my father treated some cases of mesothelioma with success." -- Dr. Perez Garcia 3 in 3/2/00 email.

Dr. Perez Garcia y Bellon (2) had protocols for treating several types of cancer in his practice in 1975, and presumably he had experienced success with them:  

bladder cancer
breast cancer
lung cancer (bronchogenic)
cervix cancer
colon cancer
prostate cancer
stomach cancer (ulcers, gastric, malignant)



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